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The first is my fave too, plan on painting it this weekend.

On the old english, I sort of see what you mean but not so much? Haha

And the connection oh god, I've been trying to work with them more but I'm still trying to develop the actual flow of em but thanks.


And thethrows, god yes EVERYONE uses that style aand I know its so overrated but fuckit its just a throw, thanks for the crits though spawn.

Anyone else, I'm welcome to all crits.

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Also some food for thought for the piece with the connection, all the attention is drawn to the o because of the a and n creating that symetry just leaves your s out to dry. And the connection is the only part of the piece that is over or underlapping if ya get me. Try to make more overlapping or none because just the one spot is kinda weird imo. I love overlapping shit but i try to spread it out more evenly, but thats just me

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The emc on the other one looks nice too. Trace it dude. Then you can do it and still have the original


Oh no need to trace, it bled through to the next page perfectly haha




Good idea, sure have a look at this as well





Tried several times to work out an R for it and Im still not happy with it..

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Not bad that def has potential. Not that you asked lol but what i dont like is how the e's have vertical lines, it stops the flow. And the top left of the r that line is too long imo and clashes with the flow. The leg on the r or at least where it bends is too low and the r looks. Really top heavy. Put a hole in there maybe

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Crits??? the 3-d is horrendous


IMO the s should sit behind the r at the top,instead of the 3d going over the r it should go behind it but that's just me though. the 3d's right, but it could use a little straightening out. and letter thickness try and make all your letters the same thickness. sweet name though and it really don't look that bad. just keep it up

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