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Mr. Peanut

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Having been on both sides of the fence (motorist/cyclist) It is completely split. There are asshole drivers and asshole cyclists. The ones that pissed me off were the ones who decided to clog up traffic instead of using the fucking bike path right next to them, those people who ride in the road got some type of ego that tells them that they can somehow go as fast as the car.

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So I've got to do an engine rebuild on my truck. This is going to cost me around 4-5k.


Found a local shop that will convert me from a 3.0 to a 3.4 (3vze to 5vzfe) and convert to manual for around 6k.


GI Bill covers all my school costs, but I still get offerings for subsidized loans.


This is what Jesus would want me to do. Almost double my HP and improve fuel efficiency. Might even get her regeared...

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Video games done me wrong with the old racing games where your car had missiles and you could blow up the guy in front of you. Every time I'm on the highway and some douche races to squeeze in ahead in that one car length, even though there's a wall of traffic in front that's not going to go any faster for him, I just wish I had that button on my car and could blow that fucker up.

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