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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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I wrote this one in B.C. D.C. O-section

If you don't believe me, go get bagged and check then

Cell number 17, up under the top bunk

I say this not to be mean, wish bad luck or pop junk

Pop the trunk on See-Cipher-Punk, leave him left scraped

God forbid, if there ain't no escape, blame MF tape

Definition "super-villain": a killer who love children

One who is well-skilled in destruction, as well as building


And Sooki.. if you're getting back with the guy I think you are, based on what you told me before, you ultimately suck and there is no redemption for that degree of 'the suck'. Stop that.

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I got the pimp tight essential skills pdf for tha limited download. PM me if you want it. Shit is advanced. Features:


Module 1: Creativity Tools

Module 2: Tools for Understanding Complex Situations

Module 3: Techniques for Effective Decision Making

Module 4: Project Planning Skills

Module 5: Information & Study Skills

Module 6: Memory Techniques

Module 7: How to Use Time Effectively - Time Management Skills

Module 8: Techniques for Controlling Stress

Module 9: Communication Skills


Get it while it's hot. ^0^

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SeE you gota be slick like the big 2blazzzedoner and steal random laundry out of the dryers in the laundry mat..youll find all types of shit...until you end up stealing some old ladys laundry and then when you go home find granny pantys with big skid marks and moth ball smelling sweaters...yea thats when ur fucked....

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I totally forgot I wrote that, and I wasnt even that drunk. I love surprises the morning after getting drunk, like waking up in a stranger's bed... and realizing the stranger is a cross dressing sheep who has an obsession with Dungeons and Dragons.*



*This has/will not ever happen to the 12oz member who created this post.

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whats up batolas

... today was shitty...although i'm the one who made it that way, by my retarded decisions...see i have a friday class..and its 3 fuckin hours long...and everytime we go to class we have a quiz or two...i finished the quizes plus turned in my work..and i stay about an hour...intill we had our little break.then.i brunt out, and now i feel bad.....i wish i would have stayed..i did get this girl's number so she can fill me in on what i missed..but still..DAMMIT IM SUCH A FUCKIN NERD!!!!!!!!!!!


in other new..i watched the "SAW" last night...pretty fuckin werid....

it was something different..all in all pretty good flick ^:crap:^

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