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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Unfortuantly substances are all around, it takes alot of strength to do what you did. Remain strong, and the best thing to do is believe that you can do it. try to disassociate yourself from the negative environment. Find postive to chill with. Paint, matter of fact you got a person to paint with right here.

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I was having a dream about this hot girl I know, nothing freaky just a kinda weird dream, but then I'm woken up by my cell phone and it turns out the girl who I was dreaming about wrote me saying "good morning"




*Edit: In my dream we had just gone to bed, so that added some weirdness points.

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Dude I was too drunk off tequila to read all the posts... so Ill post whatever THE EFF I WANT. I just drank 6 shots of teq with 1/3 of mixer. Rock n roll.



Anyway: 2BLAZZED, if youre near or in the NYC area, email me at xtinadd@Hotmail.com, Ill come visit you if its allowed. Let me just say, I had two different friends in the past year go to detox/mental hospitals so Im used to them, and I know how lonely that shit gets from how they explained.


Iquit, my boy always says "neat," and I laugh at him. Im like, dude, you're 29, not 45. Stop with the neat. The neat is for the mid aged. So gooser, cmon, no more neat-o. Mkay?




Ahrite, we like the cars, the cars that go boom, yeh we are le tigre, and we like the boom.

-gat-titties.:D ;)

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2blazzed; Good to hear you're doing what you're doing. Shit's gotta be rough, be strong man. Don't want to lose a fellow 12oz'er. Keep it up, we'll smoke a big ass e-blunt when you get out.


Originally posted by »§ÜGÅR«

a BIG BLACK SPIDER just crawled across my keyboard when i walked back over here to sit down...





Motherfucking earwigs have been climbing up my cable wire and through the hole in the screen in my window for the last few weeks. Nasty little bastards, get fuck outta my room!

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Originally posted by 2BLAZZED

its kind of hard to fight a addiction when the "stuff" is right in front of u and all around u


Hard? I'd call that damn near impossible. Stay away from that shit though, even if it means staying away from people close to you...


...12oz is here for ya man.

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