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Im Broke

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  1. still stuck on this... http://cosmic-collapse.com/flash/arfenhouse2.html j0'z heer
  2. i need tickets to a Norma Jean show that is in like 18 days and i have no money. about to steal somehting, pawn it, get moeny, gas, and tickets to that show. umm. i hate cam'ron and the diplomats. DIPSET JEAHH
  3. i have a new fav. thred... BUMP
  4. i wish i could do thaat. dont have the right camera
  5. i feelin that last mark appleyard tre' flip noseslide. thats from really sorry! good video.
  6. same. i took a few classes back a while ago so i know basic stuff. but finding this thred has gotten me intrested again. ima have to get out my camera and start postin up some flicks. what camera do you all use? anything special? i got a pantax 100 its nice. i would like upgrade though, any suggestions?
  7. how do u get the lights to sworle like that? do u just leave your shutter open and expose the film for longer? or a special camera?
  8. how do u get the lights to sworle like that? do u just leave your shutter open and expose the film for longer? or a special camera?
  9. i needa shit, we dont have anymore weed, and we only have one blunt left.
  10. that del thing to dope effyoo. tippin on ***** and lovin life. fuck this gay party im goin to later. and sry bats for not postin up in here very much things got tough. the broke-meister here got him self into some trouble with johnny law, but im out now so how's everybody been? i got court nov. 9th, drug tests suck. i want pot. i love complaining alot. throw ya sets up ^o^ * As a mod I have to give the no drug talk reminder.
  11. i love this thred. i have said this befor. but i really do mean it. soo much paint everywhere. soo many different styles. and i love european style. its handstyles and its letter forms are sick and way different than ny style or westcost shit. i would like to see some more of thoes bigger flicks they go good for my wallpaper. but keep killin it over there.
  12. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v250/Im_Broke/cig.gif'> word.
  13. damn. been a good weekend. sup knight bats? what yall do over the labor day weekend? i went to a few partys. it was pre good. back to school tomorrow. i will try to get back here and see whats up from time to time. school takes up all my fuckin time.:mad:
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