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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Oh and a story for this evening.

So Im upstairs in the hallway chatting with a friend, when we hear really loud porn blaring from an emo art student's room. Im like, damn, I think I know that pornstar, not to sound like I watch it uhh all the time but uhh it sounds really familiar. So we keep talking and we're like.. hold on a second... and walk down the hall, only to realize its coming from this room where this known couple whose dated for 3-4 years lives.

Lets just say, they are really mild mannered in real life but, by the sounds of the "OOOOOOOOOOOOUUGGGHHHHH" and the "IM GOING TO FUCKIN CUM" they really arent.


haha dear god.

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I type fast and incorrectly sometimes, just like the way I talk. I think it has something to do with the fact that I speak/type as fast as I process thoughts.... I have to get a hold on that. Yeh so, dont mind my run ons, obsession with commas, and horrible grammer skills.



gats mgmt


Oh yehh, that post was in reference to you 1secple, cause I sensed e-sarcasm in your post. Yeh, I need to get off the net. haha :yuck: :innocent:

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deto will now address the Ninja Turtle comments from the previous page:


the ninja turtle movie came out in 1990, thus making me 7 or so. I purchased the season one dvd of the original ninja turtles cartoon series, and the end credits state 1984, so when the original cartoon series first came out I was a few months to a year old. I am now 21, not 14.


deto/hero in a half shell

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whats up bats....haven't checked in the bat cave in a couple of days...due to the fact that im still depressed over the election, and that my mouse broke,

but i'm back on track......unfortunely my dog died yesterday...R.I.P.. :crying: thats it no more pugs for me, their constantly getting sick..

goods news though...going back to PA. dec, 2...only for a few days though..^o^

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Originally posted by fatalist@Nov 5 2004, 10:37 PM

whats up bats....haven't checked in the bat cave in a couple of days...due to the fact that im still depressed over the election, and that my mouse broke,

but i'm back on track......unfortunely my dog died yesterday...R.I.P.. :crying: thats it no more pugs for me, their constantly getting sick..

goods news though...going back to PA. dec, 2...only for a few days though..^o^


oh im sorry to hear about your pug. im on my second one, can't resist them. hopefully this one will live a long and healthy life, i love her to pieces.

shu-shu and her treat jar


in her new hoodie (she refuses to go outside when it's cold so i had no choice)



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i got TEARED up last night.


i have a hangover and this girlecho bitches comments are irritating me.


i renewed my contract in hongkong, so i won't be movin home any time soon. got a nice little raise and got the boss to agree to send me to new york on business 4 times in the next year. i'm happy. fuck america. i'll let you sorry bastards worry abuot the morons in the white house for the next four years. last fortune cookie i cracked told me america's fucked.


my friends spinning at a skate contest today, some pros are in town. maybe i'll have a fun afternoon. i think i have a new wall to paint on sunday too. maybe i'll have a good weekend. long ass week, i could use one.


fatalist, so sorry about your dog. i just tipped my chinese buddhas rickshaw herbal green tea for him.


sooks, shu shu's lookin adorable.


gats, im totally down with a birthday celebration.


fuck im hung over.

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that sucks that your dog died...

what part of philly u from?? heres my cat jerry, he weighs like 35 pounds or some shit... the only time he purrs is when i feed him, no rapp...... i found him when i was workin building the new eagles stadium... my boy used to feed him pork roll egg and cheese sandwhiches every day... :nope: smoka is vegitarian... he has to lay on his back cause he haas trouble breathing hes so big...



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