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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by Seldoon@Oct 22 2004, 04:16 PM




When I was like 5, I remember thinking if I let my hand/arms/feet hang off the edge of the bed, some monster of random sort would attack it. Seriously. Then my dad, in an attempt to console me, said all I had to do was put the cover over my head and they couldn't get me. That didn't exactly solve the monster mystery.


I still think like that sometimes. Actually I can never sleep with anything hanging off the bed.

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tonight is gonna be off the hook...its a very close friends birthday and we are going to this ill spot in queens (we call it the sugar shaq i forgot the real name of it) its a ill bar/lounge...we basically own it when we go there so tonight is gonna be crazy...havent been out in awhile as well...anyone in nyc area not doing anything tonight???

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after reading about how many pairs of jeans all my fellow knightbats have for the upcoming winter season, I went over to my closet to count how many pairs I own, I feel like a dick, I have 32 pairs of jeans, 12 pairs of slacks and I might have a pair or 2 at the cleaners.

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Originally posted by 2BLAZZED@Oct 22 2004, 12:18 PM

tonight is gonna be off the hook...its a very close friends birthday and we are going to this ill spot in queens (we call it the sugar shaq i forgot the real name of it) its a ill bar/lounge...we basically own it when we go there so tonight is gonna be crazy...havent been out in awhile as well...anyone in nyc area not doing anything tonight???



where in queens, i may be around getting flyers for my party for next weekend out. i was looking to do something too.

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have fun 2blazzed...tonight my friend is having her birthday party at a buttnaked....i'm not too intrested in attending...but i have to show some love...i'm thinking of ditching the bash...and just buying her a gift...but well see....i'll post flicks if i go...if they allow a camera in there............ :bday: damn i just don't want to pay $20 fuckin dollars for cover...to see ass and titties

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Got the job! And the pay is above what I requested! I start November 1st. My benefits (fully paid for :-) begin December 1st. I think a trip to Copenhagen is coming up :D


Also got the washer and dryer hooked up. Did laundry last night and I felt like it was a privilege.


Hoe nigga roommate moves out in: 9 days.


Baking some spaghetti and garlic bread. I hear Martha Stewart is doing ok at Camp Cupcake.

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hello friends.


painted last night. it was fun, didn't finish tho. a scooby doo halloween prodo complete with shaggy drinking a beer. i need to ge ta fucking mask. i was in such a fucking daze last night and i can feel it in my throat today. fucking mad paint boogers and shit.


i have a fun weekend lined up. a "look at iquits fun weekend pictures", thread might be in order on monday. i painted till two last night, then was up till about four. now i'm at work. needless to say, i feel awesome.


can someone please post something good that will make me laugh. i'm talking mero quality. or naked pictures of sooki. oh wait. i don't mean that naked pictures of sooki would make me laugh. i meant that that would be equally as good as laughing. in a different way.


holy fucking paint fumes to the dome, batman. i'm fucking useless today.

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i made out with a crazy religious christian girl today. like she had a 'wwjd' wristband and everything. i guess jeebus will only give blowjobs but not fuck. who knew?



i'm so going to hell.



sorry, iquit, not mero quality, but thats the best i could come up with regarding todays events.







*hey I got 25% warning. badass.

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hi bats.

i cant seem to find the edit button for some reason. I wanna edit out my aim name in the aim name thread cuz some dirtbag ass motherfucker imed me getting all crazy trying to direct connect and started tryin to open up all this gay wanabee hacker type shit on aim... NOT COOL.


biggest run-on sentence EVER.


ps-i got my hair trimmed (at least that's what i asked for), and it's so fuckin short i look like a 10 year old boy. FUCKIN AWESOME. i bought a cute headband, i dunno if it's workin too good tho.

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Originally posted by iquit@May 20 2004, 04:56 AM

the nightowls are over. admit it. there aren't really any original members left are there? all good things must come to an end. and all good things that come to an end must get imitated in an attempt to ride the coattails of former glory, and goddamnit, that's what i'm doing.


why do i want to be a KNIGHTBAT, you ask?


well here's a list:


1- we spell "KNIGHT" with a "K", a la Knight Rider, and that's just awesome.


that's all i got on the list so far, but maybe i'll think of something else later.


how can i become a KNIGHTBAT, you ask?


i don't know. forget it. this was a really stupid idea.


someone please post a pic of a hot girl or something and save this thread from pure gheyness.





OG nightowl right here. Look in our thread and I am first replay.....OG

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what can i say?!am i like that too?!are you hate me too?some of hk ppls are like that~coz they are idot,but i never mind you can't speak cantonese very well.coz you are american,i respect your culture and your language~seeee... my english still sux~so what?!i dun care anyone how to say~coz i know i will improve my english~

come on~be happy!!send me their pic.let gaugau gonna bite them!!!!!(plus : use my gau gau legs to kick their ass>.<hehe)

<p.s. i have money now.i can pay you dinner and ICE CREAM!!!hahaha>

dunno what im talking about~so sleepy........



(coz can't see you on aim.and thats why i post here)

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My boyfriend is yelling at me to clean my room. I told him shut up, and then started singing "Cheese para mee" over and over. No, I didnt take my meds today. Ha-ha.


Oh and, gooser- one more time you tell Jer to punch me in the head, Im going to bitch slap you all the way from NY. Bitch. ;)

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