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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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pimpednhung: hey baby

littlesweetbabe6: Hey sexy

pimpednhung: i heard you like to cyber

littlesweetbabe6: haha

littlesweetbabe6: its true ;-)

pimpednhung: what you look like?

littlesweetbabe6: im tall blonde, and have big tits

littlesweetbabe6: my ass is round and perky

pimpednhung: that sounds nice baby

littlesweetbabe6: what about you hunk?

pimpednhung: i'm about 6'4 and i weigh around 250 pounds. i dont trim my nails a lot, but some girls say i look really fine in a cowboy costume

littlesweetbabe6: umm...ok

littlesweetbabe6: at least youre tall

pimpednhung: but i lost the cowboy costume so all i have is this jersey and sweatpants

littlesweetbabe6: thats coo

littlesweetbabe6: lets just go k sexy?

littlesweetbabe6: you narrate.

pimpednhung: k

pimpednhung: ok we're in my bedroom

pimpednhung: i carry you in and lay you on the bed

littlesweetbabe6: oh yeah I like it

pimpednhung: oops

pimpednhung: i layed you down on my meatball sub

pimpednhung: hang on get up for a second

littlesweetbabe6: ok.. : /

pimpednhung: i pick it up and toss it somewhere

littlesweetbabe6: you need to be neater.

littlesweetbabe6: whatever lets do it

pimpednhung: i kick some snotty tissues out of the way and head for you

littlesweetbabe6: bout time...

pimpednhung: ok i'm undoing your shirt

littlesweetbabe6: i giggle as I slide my clothes off my soft skin

pimpednhung: i kiss you softly as i caress your back

littlesweetbabe6: oooh baby

littlesweetbabe6: i caress your bulge slowly

pimpednhung: make sure you dont touch my forehead because i have a zit there that hurts real bad

pimpednhung: mmmm that feels good

littlesweetbabe6: ok ill stay away form your forehead

littlesweetbabe6: now I pull your pants down and begin to lick

pimpednhung: mmmm

pimpednhung: wait a minute

pimpednhung: i'm having a bit of trouble getting it up

pimpednhung: sorry

pimpednhung: hang on

littlesweetbabe6: sigh

littlesweetbabe6: you suck

pimpednhung: let me fuck my pillow real quick

pimpednhung: that always gets me hard

littlesweetbabe6: omg freak!

pimpednhung: k i'm doing my pillow

littlesweetbabe6: well now that its hard i begin sucking while caressing your buttocks

pimpednhung: wait not done yet

littlesweetbabe6: ...waiting...

pimpednhung: mmm

pimpednhung: okay

littlesweetbabe6: ok

pimpednhung: back to business

littlesweetbabe6: go.

pimpednhung: i prematurely cum the second you lick my man organ

pimpednhung: its in your eyes

pimpednhung: sorry

littlesweetbabe6: OMG

littlesweetbabe6: WHAT ARE YOU DOING

littlesweetbabe6: you fuking freek

pimpednhung: sorry sorry!

pimpednhung: i can make it up to you!

littlesweetbabe6: ....

pimpednhung: i quickly tug your panties off

littlesweetbabe6: oooh giggle

pimpednhung: i toss them aside as i head closer

littlesweetbabe6: im breathing heavily now

pimpednhung: oops they landed in the meatball sub

pimpednhung: well nevermind

pimpednhung: i begin to softly lick your female organ

littlesweetbabe6: my panties!

littlesweetbabe6: i cant stop thinking about how im going to clean my panties

littlesweetbabe6: good feeling ruined

pimpednhung: no wait

pimpednhung: i'll buy you new ones once my unemployment check comes in this week

littlesweetbabe6: you loser

pimpednhung: anyway i'm eating your pussy

littlesweetbabe6: fine

littlesweetbabe6: you suck at it too

littlesweetbabe6: ...

pimpednhung: i slowly slide a finger in

littlesweetbabe6: teehee

pimpednhung: i move it back and forth, in and out

littlesweetbabe6: oooh

littlesweetbabe6: thats nice

pimpednhung: oh shit! omg! my long fingernail has cut your....thing!

pimpednhung: its bleeding!

littlesweetbabe6: OMFG

pimpednhung: i faint at the sight of blood

littlesweetbabe6: YOU

littlesweetbabe6: IDIOT

pimpednhung: i start convulsing

pimpednhung: i go into shock

littlesweetbabe6: IM NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN!

pimpednhung: i bite my tongue off

littlesweetbabe6: YOU LOSER!

littlesweetbabe6: FUCK YOURSELF!

pimpednhung: i'm having a seizure

littlesweetbabe6: i dont care

pimpednhung: call 911!

littlesweetbabe6: I hope you die freak

littlesweetbabe6: im gone

pimpednhung: my dick falls off for no reason

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Originally posted by effyoo

pimpednhung: hey baby

littlesweetbabe6: Hey sexy

pimpednhung: i heard you like to cyber

littlesweetbabe6: haha

littlesweetbabe6: its true ;-)

pimpednhung: what you look like?

littlesweetbabe6: im tall blonde, and have big tits

littlesweetbabe6: my ass is round and perky

pimpednhung: that sounds nice baby

littlesweetbabe6: what about you hunk?

pimpednhung: i'm about 6'4 and i weigh around 250 pounds. i dont trim my nails a lot, but some girls say i look really fine in a cowboy costume

littlesweetbabe6: umm...ok

littlesweetbabe6: at least youre tall

pimpednhung: but i lost the cowboy costume so all i have is this jersey and sweatpants

littlesweetbabe6: thats coo

littlesweetbabe6: lets just go k sexy?

littlesweetbabe6: you narrate.

pimpednhung: k

pimpednhung: ok we're in my bedroom

pimpednhung: i carry you in and lay you on the bed

littlesweetbabe6: oh yeah I like it

pimpednhung: oops

pimpednhung: i layed you down on my meatball sub

pimpednhung: hang on get up for a second

littlesweetbabe6: ok.. : /

pimpednhung: i pick it up and toss it somewhere

littlesweetbabe6: you need to be neater.

littlesweetbabe6: whatever lets do it

pimpednhung: i kick some snotty tissues out of the way and head for you

littlesweetbabe6: bout time...

pimpednhung: ok i'm undoing your shirt

littlesweetbabe6: i giggle as I slide my clothes off my soft skin

pimpednhung: i kiss you softly as i caress your back

littlesweetbabe6: oooh baby

littlesweetbabe6: i caress your bulge slowly

pimpednhung: make sure you dont touch my forehead because i have a zit there that hurts real bad

pimpednhung: mmmm that feels good

littlesweetbabe6: ok ill stay away form your forehead

littlesweetbabe6: now I pull your pants down and begin to lick

pimpednhung: mmmm

pimpednhung: wait a minute

pimpednhung: i'm having a bit of trouble getting it up

pimpednhung: sorry

pimpednhung: hang on

littlesweetbabe6: sigh

littlesweetbabe6: you suck

pimpednhung: let me fuck my pillow real quick

pimpednhung: that always gets me hard

littlesweetbabe6: omg freak!

pimpednhung: k i'm doing my pillow

littlesweetbabe6: well now that its hard i begin sucking while caressing your buttocks

pimpednhung: wait not done yet

littlesweetbabe6: ...waiting...

pimpednhung: mmm

pimpednhung: okay

littlesweetbabe6: ok

pimpednhung: back to business

littlesweetbabe6: go.

pimpednhung: i prematurely cum the second you lick my man organ

pimpednhung: its in your eyes

pimpednhung: sorry

littlesweetbabe6: OMG

littlesweetbabe6: WHAT ARE YOU DOING

littlesweetbabe6: you fuking freek

pimpednhung: sorry sorry!

pimpednhung: i can make it up to you!

littlesweetbabe6: ....

pimpednhung: i quickly tug your panties off

littlesweetbabe6: oooh giggle

pimpednhung: i toss them aside as i head closer

littlesweetbabe6: im breathing heavily now

pimpednhung: oops they landed in the meatball sub

pimpednhung: well nevermind

pimpednhung: i begin to softly lick your female organ

littlesweetbabe6: my panties!

littlesweetbabe6: i cant stop thinking about how im going to clean my panties

littlesweetbabe6: good feeling ruined

pimpednhung: no wait

pimpednhung: i'll buy you new ones once my unemployment check comes in this week

littlesweetbabe6: you loser

pimpednhung: anyway i'm eating your pussy

littlesweetbabe6: fine

littlesweetbabe6: you suck at it too

littlesweetbabe6: ...

pimpednhung: i slowly slide a finger in

littlesweetbabe6: teehee

pimpednhung: i move it back and forth, in and out

littlesweetbabe6: oooh

littlesweetbabe6: thats nice

pimpednhung: oh shit! omg! my long fingernail has cut your....thing!

pimpednhung: its bleeding!

littlesweetbabe6: OMFG

pimpednhung: i faint at the sight of blood

littlesweetbabe6: YOU

littlesweetbabe6: IDIOT

pimpednhung: i start convulsing

pimpednhung: i go into shock

littlesweetbabe6: IM NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN!

pimpednhung: i bite my tongue off

littlesweetbabe6: YOU LOSER!

littlesweetbabe6: FUCK YOURSELF!

pimpednhung: i'm having a seizure

littlesweetbabe6: i dont care

pimpednhung: call 911!

littlesweetbabe6: I hope you die freak

littlesweetbabe6: im gone

pimpednhung: my dick falls off for no reason


This might just become my new signature

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Originally posted by effyoo

pimpednhung: its bleeding!

littlesweetbabe6: OMFG

pimpednhung: i faint at the sight of blood

littlesweetbabe6: YOU

littlesweetbabe6: IDIOT

pimpednhung: i start convulsing

pimpednhung: i go into shock

littlesweetbabe6: IM NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN!

pimpednhung: i bite my tongue off

littlesweetbabe6: YOU LOSER!

littlesweetbabe6: FUCK YOURSELF!

pimpednhung: i'm having a seizure

littlesweetbabe6: i dont care

pimpednhung: call 911!

littlesweetbabe6: I hope you die freak

littlesweetbabe6: im gone

pimpednhung: my dick falls off for no reason



:lol::lol: haha thats some funny shit....i dont know what you cxan get from cyber sexing...i mean that wouldnt even get me aroused....thats why there is porn

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Originally posted by azert

Please no. If that does happen, I will be forced to find out where you live and smash your computer in the dead of night.




Then buy you a new and improved computer of course.


:lol: That would be gold stars, I could really use a new and improved computer..

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ya ya, "long time no see.", "where the fuck have u been?", "who the fuck are you?", bla bla BLAH. this is an EMERGENCY.




user: yellow7


pass: goodhair






i need the info corrected and/or a new username and password IMMEDIATELY.


thank you all for ur time.

dont let me down.


-ur buddy,



ps. i think it was either theo or tehowns who first supplied it.

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I remeber they used to have a website where these guys would pretend like girls and get the guys to admit to all fucked up shit and do some fucked up shit cuz they thought they where cybering with a girl...it was some funny shit man...ill try to find a link.........it was something like captainoblivious.com or some shit...

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holy shit. buck came within seconds of being caught banging a hot ass 21 year old (buck is 18:king: ) on a bunting.


for those not in the know:



anyway we had to use the bunting because we werent going to go at it on the floor like animals. we thought we heard somthing so i jumped up and threw my shit on and within seconds i heard my boss calling for us. she was mortified and im sure that he was suspicious, but in a ll honesty i dont think he would make a huge deal about it. today we laughed out asses off because shes got the impressions of the little metal rings thta you use to attach a bunting bruised into her back.


beyond that , were both leaving for school soon, thus the chances of a repeat are slim. o well, im too lazy to write out all the details.

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