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For some reason I'm thinking about Cap from style wars ...I keep chuckling to myself about that part of the movie where he goes "if we had caught them at that wall... it would have been boom boom boom... and thats the way it would of went" .... the guys so ghetto he has to use gun sounds to express himself ...

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Originally posted by SilentBob

For some reason I'm thinking about Cap from style wars ...I keep chuckling to myself about that part of the movie where he goes "if we had caught them at that wall... it would have been boom boom boom... and thats the way it would of went" .... the guys so ghetto he has to use gun sounds to express himself ...


that's one of the best lines in that film!

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This world is a burden

And it disgusts me.

I want to deny it,

Its inhabitants and their possessions.

I'm embarrassed to know

This soil produced me.


I'm dying to be elsewhere,

Trying not to belong in a nature

Of impulse and self indulgence.


A brother to none,

my kinship lies elsewhere.

I am separate and loyal to no one,

If born from this soil.


I'm embarrassed to know you;

you do not represent me.

a likeness only in structure,

Not in mind.


I vow to never belong to anyone

Born from this soil

A people that follows blindly

Will not reprimand me.

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Haha, word... gooch, effyoo and el presidente know the dizze ...


if it were up to me, people would run around using that line for their day to day ish...


for example...


milton would be like- "I'll tell you what, those virgins are lucky I didn't catch them ready to submit to their curiosity, or it would have been slurp slurp slurp. And thats the way it would of went"


eyeforaneye (directed at fellow guitar enthusiast)- " I'll tell you what, your lucky I didn't catch you buying that axe, or it would have been strum strum strum. And thats the way it would of went"


Nekro (to thin, neat attractive man)- "I'll tell you what, your lucky I didn't catch you questioning your hetrosexuality, or it would have been lisp lisp lisp. And thats the way it would of went" :limp wristed hand gesture:


I could go on ... but I think you all get the point ..



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ONE: I didnt mean to sound like I was sayin the states suck [i knew you would take it like that, eh internet], I was wanted to know your interest was to go to a US school. It would be like me going to Ireland from NYC.. youd probably go "Why the heck are you coming here for school?" yanno what I mean? ;)


BUCK: Did you have the option to go to RISD? RISD is apparently the best art school in the states, with Pratt as a close second. Personally I did not apply, and even if I got into RISD I wouldnt go. Something about trees, rural life, and some suburban developments doesnt do anything for me. I gota be able to get a bullet shot through my window at 1am. Thats true inspiration.* I cant be away from urban life for too long.. but thats just me.



SIDE NOTE: Anyone into dnb, please download Hive & Keaton sets. Such wonderful, dark as hell drum and bass.





*[by the way, my friend in my old building on the 15th floor got a rifle bullet through her window, mirror, and lodged into her wall. I love Brooklyn.]

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

RISD was ill as fuck. If you wanted to get shot, all you had to do was cross the canal and walk around downtown.


gatita, you on soulseek? I'm interested in those sets.

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Uhh, the RISD campus is somewhat different nowadays. As someone who lives in providence, I can assure you that it is


a) Not rural. The RISD campus is in downtown Providence on the east side. It's a stones' throw from most of the city's restaurants, about .3 miles from the state capital, and within walking distance of pretty much everything in the city.


B) Not dangerous. Sure you might get your shin hit by a skateboarder or something, but the RISD campus is smack-dab in the nicest part of town.


It's also the best art school in the states, which means that there are tons of hipsters and quiet japanese girls wandering around. There's plenty of graffiti, much of it very artsy and creative. Shepard Fairey (of obey giant fame) went to RISD and started the Andre has a posse campaign in Providence. It's an hour by bus from Boston and a few hours by train from NYC.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

It's not a terribly dangerous place, but there somewhat of a false sense of security. I must have seen no less than a dozen sexual assault on Benefit St. postings in my 4 years there and was 5 seconds late to witnessing a guy get shot in the face in front of a Dunkin Donuts downtown. One of my best friends got robbed at gunpoint at 2:00 in the afternoon in the middle of a busy street. It's way safer than most urban cities, among the 100 safest, but by no means "not dangerous".


It is definitely not rural though.

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Originally posted by gatita

ONE: I didnt mean to sound like I was sayin the states suck [i knew you would take it like that, eh internet], I was wanted to know your interest was to go to a US school. It would be like me going to Ireland from NYC.. youd probably go "Why the heck are you coming here for school?" yanno what I mean? ;)




*[by the way, my friend in my old building on the 15th floor got a rifle bullet through her window, mirror, and lodged into her wall. I love Brooklyn.]


you jus showed me a good reason to go to your towns colleges! lol! i reread your post and kinda got it like that but was too lazy to change it i jus left it as it was..why wouldn you come to ireland its grand for 4yrs ive been in school for 14yrs now i just think a change of country is needed..

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Originally posted by Crimsøn

Hey mamerro, what's your slsk name?


What other bats have slsk? We need to hook up tha jamz.


Check this shit out. I cant get slsk to work at all. So i tried to dl the new one and all i get is some nazis telling me that its gonna cost me 1.5 pounds a minute to dl crap. What the hell is going on? Has anyone actually dled slsk recently?

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