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Slowly getting back into cycling. Rode a hundred miles this week. Just sitting on the mtb in the biggest gear. No water. No supplements. Nothing yet.


Heres some photos I took of my friends in the recent Carrera de san rafael. Sporting rock racing is Johnson, the other three are Rosenthol, English, and Fisher. I cant keep up with what teams they're on anymore. lol.






Who doesnt love a few waterbras?

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Raced the SS MTB again last night. At the start I was at the back of the field so when the guy so "GO!" I was already in bad position. Then luck struck... a guy went down in the gravel (yeah, ouch is right) and caused a pile up which gave me the opportunity to come around a lot of people. Next thing I know I'm in the top fifteen of the field. Stoked. I get to the first hairpin turn, grab a handful of rear brake to powerslide through it, and the rear wheel slips. Oofah!! I get off and tinker with it to get it fixed. Takes me a while and once I do I notice that there's no one in front of me and no one behind me... and they've already let the women's field go and the men's 40+ field go. I get going and try hard as shit to catch up to someone. I eventually reintegrate back into the mayhem of the men's 40+ field and work my way through them and get into the women's field. Then the rear wheel slips again through a turn. I fix it with the quickness and tell myself to not touch the rear brake for the rest of the race. I eventually work my way to the front of the women's field which is mixed in with the rear of the SS field. This is with one lap to go so I decide to stay there, watch the top five women battle it out and try to stay out of their way. Overall a fun race. Getting more used to the bike and liking it... just have to get the rear wheel slipping thing figured out. I had worked on it last week and thought I got it fixed but I did not. Oh well. Still had fun.

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I don't think Contador can be dropped.

But those two are in a league of their own. Can't believe they bridged the gap to the leading group. Insane.


Anyone got one of those whiz bang Garmins....thoughts?

I'm considering the 500 edge.

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