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well the commisioners of the tour thought it was 2 major infringements and they have kicked Renshaw out of the Tour, I didn't see anything wrong with the headbutts it looked like the other rider was infringing into his space but when renshaw sat up he did cross into the line of Farrar and forced him into the barriers


I think they should have just relegated him to last place today and fined him, not kick him off the tour completely

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I could understand the head-butting thing if Dean was diving into Renshaw's space... like Cavendish did to Haussler about a month ago... but Dean barely came over. A flick of the elbow would be more appropriate. Then for Renshaw to do it a second and then a third time, and the third one was really uncalled for, was just kind of childish. Head-butting may fly in track racing but c'mon... in a bunch sprint with more than fifty guys on your wheel at well over 40mph... just stupid. That said, I don't think he should have been kicked out. Definitely relegated and definitely fined.


I wonder if it was any team other than Garmin if Renshaw would have done that?

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I know Mark a bit, worked at a few races with him

he is a gentle sort of bloke

but sprinting...................

Dean was moving and trying to move onto Renshaw and for good reasons for his job. [on the brake levers, good grief]

and had tried it a few times and persisted

and it is Mark's job not to move

and Dean did persist to move into and lean

so he got the Aussie thump [i must admit, hard helments give you a few more inches of reach to do it :-)]

and any one who has raced track, knows that the head push,/butt is a better way than shouldering, and if you are half a wheel or less behind

{if you weigh 60kg and a 80 kg sod is meaning on you on a 30* bank to take the wheel off you if you run to the duck board knows what I mean}

the move to the barrier after the banging is hard to tell if he know some one was making a run there, so I make no comment, till I see more {tonight's replay}

What is needed is consistant judging and ruling from the race and UCI {lacking!}

and if any one thinks Cav needs a Renshaw to win stages has not been watching much racing the last few years.

and I read some where here that Cav was all washed up and his team mate was going to win all at the TDF .....................

Bike racing

ya gotta love it

It is fun eh!


good perspective.

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Yes. Owning rollers help.


Here's a good one. 8x30's... 8 sets of 30 second all out spinning. So, I'll cruise in about 53/17 going under 20mph. Drop down to the small ring and immediately start spinning as fast as you can and hold it for 30 seconds.


If you have a cadence meter, you can try holding 120rpm for as long as you can and progressively upping the time with each ride.


A good top speed drill for track sprinting: on a fixed gear, find a short steep hill that leads you into a clear, straightaway road. Go down the hill and let the bike pedal you, and once you hit flat, try spinning as fast as you can for 200-300m. Good for leg speed under power in a sprint.


Rollers: in general they help your spin and pedaling. Try doing 1 minute on, one minute off fast spinning above 120rpm.

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crit this morning

got some pop back in the legs, finally.

finished strong with some energy left - solid week so far.

using friel's training program, had to regroup and start back on build 1… so it was nice to finish with the lead group considering the workouts/hours i've been doing all week.


nice to be back training hard.

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Was out at the North American bike polo championships today.

Never seen bike polo in person before,have to say it looks fun as hell.

Anyway heres a short clip I recorded of Seattle VS. ???. for anyone who cares.

Recorded from my phone so not the greatest quality.


Team smile from seattle vs wizard sleeves from Ottowa/Richmond VA. Best tournament I've been to yet

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Im hoping my questions thread will soon die soon (joker feel free to delete that shit) so I'ma post the answer to choc's Q in hur.


I JUST started to ride again (thank the baby jesus). Took me forever to build up the courage but I finally did. Last week I rode 20 miles a day for six days. This week Ive done about 28 miles a day with tons moar hillz, and doing about an hour of yoga before each ride. nohomo. Its all being done on a mountain bike because 1.) riding hills for long distances on a front suspension mountain bike is hella underrated. and 2.) I need a new road bike that doesnt kill my back. Im also staying in the biggest gear the entire time an attempt to go slow, build muscle, and hopefully not lose weight.


Except I am losing weight. Fast. Four pounds in one week. At 5' 9" I dont need to be under 150 lbs.

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i feel you on the weight loss issue, once i started running 20 miles a week i have to eat like CRAZY to keep my weight up. which im doing a shitty job at because im 6' and 150 on a good day.


why does your road bike hurt your back? have you tried using a shorter stem and maybe putting a couple spacers on the fork?

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Fuck you skinny fuckers. I take in about 2500 calories on days that I train and I still can't lose weight. I burn anywhere between 900-1300 calories on weekday rides and much more on weekend rides... and way more on race days. I had cut back calories to less than 2000 in the hopes of finally losing weight but still nothing was dropping. Well, except my energy from not enough food. Maybe it's because I'm 41 years old and shit just isn't the same as it used to be. I can remember eating once a day and having energy to go, go, go all day. Ah... my 20's... good times.


I hope Schleck riding like a monster in the mountains means he'll ride like a monster in the TT. I want to see Schleck on the top step of that podium...

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Joker, have you ever experimented with high protein diets? Like, the Paleo diet maybe (which is conveniently gluten free)?


I did it for a little while in the winter and dropped some lb's, although at my weight I don't have a whole lot to lose before I start losing top end power.


I really don't think Schleck can take Contador in the TT unfortunately... :(

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