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steve go to cross nationals....i'll be there


about the bike...i say go with the Bianchi when you ride a lighter bike you go over the barriers so much faster and use less energy. and cross bikes take such a beating durring the season youre better off going with the better componites they will last longer


i start my cross specific training in two weeks... ive been resting the past 4 weeks ive just been running and swimming a lot latly... my dad made up a training schedule for me i haven't really looked at it yet but it involves a lot of intervils. and riding the cross bike once a week for the first 6 weeks...i can't wait.

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

cinn. post the schedule here.


yes post it. and if you of steve are here for the cross nationals in napa let me know, i will come root for the home team. cutters! cutters! fist in the air.

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jobe, thanks for the advice... as devastating as it may sound to put the balls on the stem, i'll give it a try... and i'm running higher than a 3:1- i'm running a 46/15...


speaking of all this scheduling shit, who is going to the NYC championships??? lance and cipo, come on now, i know some cutters are gonna be there. i will for sure...

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First off, a big welcome back to our boy Willy. I hope all is well. We missed you a lot.


Second, a big fuck you to "nic sucks." Your punk ass was riding around NYC while I had to walk around DC. We'll be up in Hartford soon, I hope. When is the Warriors race?


Third, sorry I couldn't get at you while I was in the area, cinnamon. The family thing kept me busy. I saw a grand total of zero freights in DC, so I had to go on a benching binge this afternoon when we got back. Next time for sure.


Fourth, is anybody planning on making it down to Houston for the North American Cycle Courier Championchips? Check out the website. It's happening the weekend of December 13th (yes that's a Friday). If you're gonna be in town, let me know so we can get stupid. I just might be racing.


More tomorrow. Time to sleep now.

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i dont know when the warriors is i think trackbike.com might have something on it.... that is going to be such a sick race...


the stonecutters should head there and hit it off in yankees pinstripes with painted faces or something. you need to have a crew for the race, its just insane i caught a flyer at the last boston alleycat.


tearz i mustve just misread, i really am not that much of an idiot. i swear. the otehr thing i was talking with the name on my neck is comfort level... try someone elses fixie and i swear youll learn everything you want to backwards no handed figure 8's and shit... because when you are on your bike you become defeatist i have tried this so many times ill never get it... its how i learned to track stand. i couldnt do it on my bike then i tried someone elses and i just got it. its how i learned backwards circles too... thats just my opinion.

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Originally posted by boxcarwilly

its how i learned backwards circles too...

me to, for the life of me i can't do em worth a shite on my ride. i get on my homies surly and its circles fr hours.
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Originally posted by alkaline

Fourth, is anybody planning on making it down to Houston for the North American Cycle Courier Championchips? Check out the website. It's happening the weekend of December 13th (yes that's a Friday). If you're gonna be in town, let me know so we can get stupid. I just might be racing.


we are going. i think kissmyass is racing.

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Originally posted by alkaline

Second, a big fuck you to "nic sucks." Your punk ass was riding around NYC while I had to walk around DC. We'll be up in Hartford soon, I hope. When is the Warriors race?

The Warriors Race is August 24-25 (dusk 'til dawn...it's a Saturday night)




Originally posted by alkaline

More tomorrow. Time to sleep now.

"my pussy hurts!

biotch...you better come visit me soon.

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the team I'm on my need one more person, I'll keep you updated.



Oh and by the way, I got my new bike today!



Tell your wife the next time I tell her to tell you something, she better get all the info correct, and not deliver a half-ass message:p

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Great news, kissmyass and Devilush. Let me know when you guys are gonna be here and we'll hang out.


Nic sucks, if you need another team member for the Warriors race, I'll be there. We were just talking about going to see you at the end of August so we could watch you race. I guess you'll just have to watch my spandex clad ass in front of you. Hahaha. That's cool about the new bike ... is it paid off yet? The misses says it's time to go home and do it ... see ya.

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WOAH FELLAS!!! how did i miss that yous were talking about doing the warriors race. i plan on going. hmmmmmmm, there may have to be some team reorganizing. shit is gonna be ill.

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hesh im serious about a stonecutters team. or at least an all writers team or something like that. i was thinking that i am probably the only idiot who will finish that race considering there are mandatory party stops and i dont drink awwww shit. maybe the stonecutters will full on represent because of the edge nigga what.




** oh yeah the 25th is my 25th birthday fucking gay.

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I was just checking out the website for the warriors race. That looks absolutely bad-ass. Wish I could figure out a way to get myself to NY. Sounds like a lot of fun. Whoever goes...I wanna hear all about it and pictures also...I want to see pics of carnage and mud wrestling.

love to see a stonecutters team out there raging.

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i got one other friend whos in (who writes). the website is pretty vague on signing up and race details. im in though guys. at the least i'll bring paint w/ me and catch some rep from the BX to BK.

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OK...for the Warriors Race, remember, teams can't consist of more than nine members, and you have to finish with at least five. If you can't get a whole team together, you could always volunteer to be on The Rogues (those are the peeps who try to fuck everyone up). It would be totally cool if you guys could be there.



-If the Stonecutters team is a go, then you can ride with them (Brother vs. Brother...I'll totally kick your ass)

-no the new bike isn't paid off yet.

-switch to a small chainring to save your knees and skidd easier (I just switched to a 39-14)

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39-14, christ man, imnot trying to break balls here but, holy spin-athon. 47-13 is just fine w/ me, i was actually thinking of bumping to like 51 or so. booooooo ya!

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Belly? -- check

Sore legs? -- check

Ass a'aching? -- check

Feeling like I'm gonna die? -- you know that's a check


Yeah, I have about 45 miles for the week so far and I feel like I've done 1000. Ohhh, the woes of not riding for a month...

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I would go for it. Although I'm not a big fan of Cannondale, they sure do make nice looking bikes.


So provided that the misses and I can work out all the details, we'll be at the Warriors race. We've got the plane tickets with our frequent flyer miles. We just have to make sure we have enough dough for the hotels and food and all that. I'm down for getting a Stonecutters/writer team together. Where is ono ... maybe he'd be down to be on the team.


Welcome back, Joker. How was the rest of the trip?

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honestly dude, i don't think you'd really have to worry about having a place to stay. the shit is gonna be a raging party the whole time, if i sleep its either gonna be in a gutter or the emergency room.



joker, story of my life these days.

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I was talking to a former teammate yesterday about our team wheels. He was talking about the number of spokes he had broken and what kind of luck I had on mine. I replied no problems whatsoever, love the wheels, just found out American Classic made the hubs, so all was good and right.

We had a break from the unbearable heat yesterday, so I thought I would go for a nice long ride. I was doing a track stand at a light when it turned green and I torqued it up and took off. When I started off I heard the unmistakeable "twang" of a spoke breaking. Looked down to verify...sure enough...10.5 miles from home, no phone...shit. I have so few spokes on the rear wheel that it was almost completely unrideable. I rode about 30 blocks and remembered a friend lived in the area. Swung by his place...not home.

It was kinda funny because I was thinking the only way I'm going to get home anytime soon is if I just happen to magically run into a friend. I get to the top of this hill when I run into a college friend that lives a good 25 miles from me. I just laughed and asked for a ride. Take the bike apart and throw it in his car and take off. Were driving along talking about random shit and he mentions how much he hates graffiti and how it ruins the city. He goes on saying some derogatory shit about writers and who do they think they are...blah, blah, blah. I could hardly contain myself. Maybe ten years from now I'll bring up the story of when he gave one of "those" guys a ride home.

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

honestly dude, i don't think you'd really have to worry about having a place to stay. the shit is gonna be a raging party the whole time, if i sleep its either gonna be in a gutter or the emergency room.


hahaha...that's true:D

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