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I think his name was Bart Conner or something like that. I love that movie too. Lori Loughlin was hot in that movie ... ass sliding, mmmmm. And who could forget the track they raced on ... that huge starting wall/roll in, the Kix bowl ramp, etc. And don't forget about Talia Shire (Adrian from the Rocky movies). Man, that movie kicked all kinds of ass.


That video clip is funny, AN, but it think cinnamon posted it before.

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that clip gets me everytime. priceless. super euro.


i always wondered why the fuck they went down that water slide and its obviously autumn out. its cold, they have sweaters on for crists sake. freaks.

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rad, the favorite movie of both my brother and i from when we were little. we own it and still watch it frequently.

his name was CRU MOTHERFUCKERS! CRU JONES. bart was the bad guy. we own the sound track as well. remember the cru and christian "dance" at the helltrack dance? yep, christian played by lori laughlin of full house fame.

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Originally posted by boxcarwilly

well boxcar is sxe so i guess i am fucked...

sxe has admittedly been a crutch as much as graffiti and my bikes... so if i am a bastard for keeping pure and needing a label for it i am as bad as an anarchist a black panther a track bike rider a roman catholic all those are labels all are crutches we cant all be as strong as you nigger art.


well mr. cinnamon is sxe so i guess im fucked too.........

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can someone tell me which mold i fit into? please? i need to know.


-i've ridden bikes my whole life.

-i've been a messenger for a few years.

-i've been riding fixed for 2 years.

-i've been doing graffiti for 7 years.

-i'm fucking good at graff. (at least i think so). i put in work.

-i'm punk rock. have been for 9 years or so. don't get into it so much anymore, i just like the shit that i already have...

-i'm from the midwest, where graff and bikes have never mixed.


now i live in sf, and i am amazed at how many graff/bike, kids there are, real or posing.


for me, being a messenger and riding a track bike, was a totally seperate world from graffiti. i think i liked it better that way. sf is a trip in that respect. and it sounds like maybe the east coast is that way too?


-i'm an anarchist. i know theroy, but i don't need to discuss it. i try to incorparate my ideals in my day to day life. riot crew (a collective) is a politically focused crew.


...oh yeah, i'm drug-free. sxe if you want, but i don't call myself that, or mingle with sxer's, or push my views on anybody. plus, i didn't jump on a sxe bandwagon, i've never done a drug, or been drunk in my life. (don't ask me to explian why either, cuz i can't, that's just 'how it is').


maybe i'm a poser, cuz i got my fixie 2 years ago, but i have put in 40+ hour a week on it ever since...


so can someone tell me where i fit in here? i thought i was in the clear, until everyone started talking about what groups kids they don't know fall into........


p.s. just got myself a dura-ace headset and 3t stem!


p.p.s. any one wanna buy a gt persuit frame? with a mavic bb and a seatpost. $225.

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i understand nigger arts dilemma.


it sucks when you have your own obscure traits and identity and next thing you know- those same akward interests become a small scale phenomenon and you end up looking like a biter when in fact you were the oddball for half a decade before the followers caught on to the trend.


on the other hand i don't condemn people for having interest in bikes because i think it is a great way to get around. but as for the ones who make a fuckin blueprint identity plan and multiply like sheep- well you can get a new style please.


social critic 16v.

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Originally posted by ardenchapman

can someone tell me which mold i fit into? please? i need to know.


-i've ridden bikes my whole life.

-i've been a messenger for a few years.

-i've been riding fixed for 2 years.

-i've been doing graffiti for 7 years.

-i'm fucking good at graff. (at least i think so). i put in work.

-i'm punk rock. have been for 9 years or so. don't get into it so much anymore, i just like the shit that i already have...

-i'm from the midwest, where graff and bikes have never mixed.


now i live in sf, and i am amazed at how many graff/bike, kids there are, real or posing.


for me, being a messenger and riding a track bike, was a totally seperate world from graffiti. i think i liked it better that way. sf is a trip in that respect. and it sounds like maybe the east coast is that way too?


-i'm an anarchist. i know theroy, but i don't need to discuss it. i try to incorparate my ideals in my day to day life. riot crew (a collective) is a politically focused crew.


...oh yeah, i'm drug-free. sxe if you want, but i don't call myself that, or mingle with sxer's, or push my views on anybody. plus, i didn't jump on a sxe bandwagon, i've never done a drug, or been drunk in my life. (don't ask me to explian why either, cuz i can't, that's just 'how it is').


maybe i'm a poser, cuz i got my fixie 2 years ago, but i have put in 40+ hour a week on it ever since...


so can someone tell me where i fit in here? i thought i was in the clear, until everyone started talking about what groups kids they don't know fall into........


p.s. just got myself a dura-ace headset and 3t stem!


p.p.s. any one wanna buy a gt persuit frame? with a mavic bb and a seatpost. $225.


what size is your pursuit frame? im tryin to save for a bob jackson frame, but ive always had a thing for GT.

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don't worry about it...


Originally posted by ardenchapman

can someone tell me which mold i fit into? please? i need to know.



i'm sure your post wasn't meant to be answered seriously, but don't worry about a label. just ride.


well my two wheeled friends, i've done it again. descending down a busy road with a bus breathing down my back i made the mistake of taking a right turn, too sharp, at a good 35mph or more. i was enjoying my new tires when they flew out from under me. i slid for about 40 feet right up to a car waiting to turn. the lady in the car just looked at me like she was in a coma. what's the first thing i do?... check mobility of the shoulder. doesn't feel broken, but damn it hurts. i pick up my water bottles and access the damage at the side of the road. bike seems fine minus major scratches. my gear however is trashed. jersey, holes all over the right side. bibs, huge hole on upper thigh showing some road rash that looks really bad. knee warmer, toast. shoe cover, toast. gloves, toast. helmet, not a scratch.


three hours later, a couple of vicadin and some x-rays... nothing broken. major ligament damage to right shoulder and a slew of road rash. i'm back in the sling for a few weeks...


time to order sunday in hell to keep me entertained. i don't think i can watch the road to paris one more time.

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Re: don't worry about it...


Originally posted by Joker


i'm sure your post wasn't meant to be answered seriously, but don't worry about a label. just ride.


well my two wheeled friends, i've done it again. descending down a busy road with a bus breathing down my back i made the mistake of taking a right turn, too sharp, at a good 35mph or more. i was enjoying my new tires when they flew out from under me. i slid for about 40 feet right up to a car waiting to turn. the lady in the car just looked at me like she was in a coma. what's the first thing i do?... check mobility of the shoulder. doesn't feel broken, but damn it hurts. i pick up my water bottles and access the damage at the side of the road. bike seems fine minus major scratches. my gear however is trashed. jersey, holes all over the right side. bibs, huge hole on upper thigh showing some road rash that looks really bad. knee warmer, toast. shoe cover, toast. gloves, toast. helmet, not a scratch.


three hours later, a couple of vicadin and some x-rays... nothing broken. major ligament damage to right shoulder and a slew of road rash. i'm back in the sling for a few weeks...


time to order sunday in hell to keep me entertained. i don't think i can watch the road to paris one more time.


oh shit.......... dude im so sorry if i crashed right now and had to be off the bike for awhile i don't know what i would do with myself......but one thing you have to do it keep a postive head.....the mind is powerfull if you think positive and not get down on yourself theysholder will heal faster....better the sholder then the knee you can still ride a trainer....best of luck healing up

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sorry to hear it bro. that sucks. take comfort in knmowing that your one of the few people who actully get hurt riding on the road. think about it, your pushing it to the edge, most pussies (like me) steer clear of the edge. annnd those vics should help you from getting depressed, 1 vic + a few beers = hesh $'s home remedy #1.

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damn joker, you and the law always crashin into shit. :)

hope you recover quickly. i actually watched the road to paris again tonight while i did an hour on the trainer. i've been fucking around with this saddle for months now and still can't find a position i'm crazy about. i'm thinking i may need to buy a trans am or something. the flite has a hard nose and i'm catching numbness from pressure near the nose (especially in the drops) rather than circulation problems. it's an age old problem really. :(

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anyone on here ever ride bontrager saddles? i think they're great saddles. very comfy. people are sleeping on them... the racelite gel is dope, and weighs the same as a selle italia gel. and they're a little less $$$$...


calling all alleycats to milwaukee, 3.16.02, minneapolis, chicago, sf, denver, madison, and of course milwaukee, repping their towns...

it's gonna be some good fucking balls out racing!

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to mr ardenchapman


my man says to "shuuuuuuddddupppp.. i know where you live." oh yea...he's going to kick your ass in milwaukee.i didnt say that, he did. ;)

watch out for those "mysterious" flats per hour. oh wait....i better beat him up for saying that because you're housing him out there. okay i'll tell him to shut up.

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Re: to mr ardenchapman


Originally posted by Devilush

my man says to "shuuuuuuddddupppp.. i know where you live." oh yea...he's going to kick your ass in milwaukee.i didnt say that, he did. ;)

watch out for those "mysterious" flats per hour. oh wait....i better beat him up for saying that because you're housing him out there. okay i'll tell him to shut up.


you are both insane.

i'm glad you have each other...:rolleyes:


you tell your "man", that his california ass will be to fucking cold and whiney to even think about riding a bike in wisconsin, so i'm not too worried about him... (that or he'll be too drunk to stand, let alone ride).:)

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Originally posted by ardenchapman

anyone on here ever ride bontrager saddles? i think they're great saddles. very comfy. people are sleeping on them... the racelite gel is dope, and weighs the same as a selle italia gel. and they're a little less $$$$...


thank you for answering the track frame size, although 58 may be a lil small for me(6'5") i was just dreaming about the possiblity. bontrager saddles are nice, selle san marco makes them, and they are a damn nice saddle. people hate on bontrager for selling out to trek, but fuck it, nice is nice. im down for those saddles.

joker, sorry to hear about your crash. heal quickly!

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Feeling better already...


Thanks for all the good words, everybody!!


There's still a little immoblitiy in my right shoulder, but I feel way better. I can at least type, eat and dress myself. Unlike the broken colarbone incident. I hope to be back on the bike in a week for some real easy riding. No hills, no descents. I need to take it easy... learn how to stay up on the bike



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Yours truly drafting behind some guy in a silly designed team kit. This was just after getting dropped by the pack on the hill. This guy and I worked to catch three others who were off the pack. Eventually, this guy could no longer hold on and was dropped sometime during lap two. My bike looks too small for me, hunh?

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