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When I was eight years old, police Zadiao his father's three-dimensional printer. I still remember the three-dimensional printer ran out of steaming distributed, like plastic wrap are placed in a microwave oven of the kind of smell, as well as my father used fresh glue into the printer print when abnormal focus on the expression of his face, as well as print Good items from the three-dimensional printer inside out, Mo Shangqu nice and warm, fresh baked out of touch.

Police were rushed in from the door, waving batons, one armed with a microphone, dictate the contents of the arrest warrant. Dad's just a customer to patronize him, he bought the high-grade tablets - the ability to elevate drug, memory enhancers, metabolic enhancer. If you want to buy these pills over the counter in pharmacies, may take a lot of money. You can at home using three-dimensional printer manufacture these tablets, as long as you do not mind which day the kitchen of their own suddenly jammed with Hubeixiongyao big man, wielding batons, the wind may kick into gear, Jian Renjiu playing, see what the hit, no one can intercept They do not live.

Police Zadiao the grandmother's trunk that she brought from the motherland that suitcase. They also Zadiao of our family to the refrigerator, the windows of that station cleaners. When a police stamp the big foot from wearing boots rotten cage, I kept hiding in the cage corner of Kingfisher, escaped unharmed.

爸爸. The police have done some Shaa father. When everything is over, he looks like like a football team with a dry one. Police his father brought out, he was thrown into a police car, let journalists clearly see this scene, while a spokesman told the whole world, my father organized piracy operations must be at least 20 million worth of pirated goods is responsible for , my father - desperate criminals - in the arrest operation, also carried out the resistance.

Sitting in the ruins of the living room, I saw from the phone screen, press reports and watching the screen, while wondering in their hearts, how could someone look at our family's small apartment, our family home in this run-down shabby, but also went so far as the misconception that This is an organized crime ringleader of the lair. Of course, they took away the printer, like a trophy-like display in front of reporters. Empty corner of a small kitchen looked a little frightening. I stood up, finishing an apartment to save the poor under the Nazhi twitter kingfisher, and then placed in a mixer that corner. This blender is also generated three-dimensional printer, so you just spend a month, and then I need to print new bearings and other parts of the moving parts. For to do before I can can print any thing apart again assembled.

To my 18-year-old that year, the Government prepared to allow the father was released from prison. I went to prison to visit him three times - I-year-old's birthday once, her father 50-year-old's birthday once, there is a time when her mother died. From the last time I saw him two years had passed, Dad's health is very bad. Prison, a fight to get his lame leg, and he also frequently look back, as if suffering from a seizure disorder. Taxis will be sent home Woliang front Woliang into the home, climbed the stairs, then I feel very embarrassed, and strongly with this a decadent, lame walking corpses keeping their distance.

"Rani," Dad let me sit down and said, "You are a smart girl, I know. Bright. Do you know where you got to a father from the printer and some glue it?"

I have pairs of hand into a fist, grip tightly, the fingernails faster Chuojin palm. I close the eyes. "Daddy, you just sit for ten years in prison. Decade ah. You have to sit for ten years braved the risk of prison, to print more of the mixers and tablets, and more laptop computers and brand name hat?"

Father grins. "Rani, I am not stupid. I have received a lesson. Not worth the jail in order to cap or notebook computer. I do not intend to print these wastes, never press on." He drank a cup of tea, tea looks like as if the drinking whiskey, sipping a small mouth, and then a cry of satisfaction exhaled. He folded his eyes, the latter leaned his chair.

"Come here, Rani, let me whisper tell you. Let me tell you, I sat for ten years in prison when the idea of the decision. Come here to listen to your silly Daddy said."

I felt a guilty sorrow, unhappiness did not want Dad. Ming pendulum Shier, Dad has become obsolete. God knows he was in prison have experienced something. "What is it, Dad?" I Ceguo Shen, said.

"Rani, I intend to print more of the three-dimensional printer. More three-dimensional printer. Everyone can have a. Worthwhile to jail. Bancheng this matter, what is worth it."

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