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The Nonsense thread


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Originally posted by 2BLAZZED

for onesec. and onesec. only


hell motha fuckin yeah. Casek told me about the nightbat thread, it saddened me to see this thread dropped. House living is good, they turned off the gas and the cable tv and the dog keeps chewing shit up. Shit is horrible(the dog that is). I have been hittin the train yard every day for flicks, so i will have a boat load of flicks in that area. Been piecing too. I saw the new harry potter movie and wanted to die, it was horrible.



Suck One


however, the girl at work i had sex with wont leave me alone, why didnt any of you try and stop me?

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Originally posted by effyoo

yeah sure, i'll buy you one. i got five on the first one though, ok?


haha! indian hippie sex! i imagine some very unkempt body hair....

If by that you mean I get to beat you then sure. I'm all about it.


The chick is kinda cute, in that petite blonde with dreads kind of way. She's a little dumb though...

The best part is that neither of them are indian. They're caucasian as hell and the chick has stickers from a bunch of local bands on her car...

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"All of a sudden everybody wants to throw rocks at the throne. I don't get you? People who will never be where I am today want to take shots at me, like I don't deserve it, like I haven't been grinding since day one. I have more hustle in my back pocket than you have in your whole persona, what the fuck are you on?Acting like what I've worked for years to build isn't shit. Then at the same time people want to replace me. I'm the only dude you know that can turn a deuce to a dime, turn a penny to a dollar, so its no wonder you're trying to reach in my pockets now. Just remember this, by the time you catch up to where I am today, I'ma be a million miles away, in first class, blowing that purple haze and laughing at you punk faggots... COME AND GET ME."

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Originally posted by Milton

"All of a sudden everybody wants to throw rocks at the throne. I don't get you? People who will never be where I am today want to take shots at me, like I don't deserve it, like I haven't been grinding since day one. I have more hustle in my back pocket than you have in your whole persona, what the fuck are you on?Acting like what I've worked for years to build isn't shit. Then at the same time people want to replace me. I'm the only dude you know that can turn a deuce to a dime, turn a penny to a dollar, so its no wonder you're trying to reach in my pockets now. Just remember this, by the time you catch up to where I am today, I'ma be a million miles away, in first class, blowing that purple haze and laughing at you punk faggots... COME AND GET ME."


for some reason this nonsense reminds me of the radio on GTA Vice city

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