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what kind of marker was used for this, fucking sick. Inks i use are my homemade ink and doemdirty and i cant figure out a good marker that wont leak in my pocket and soak me in ink whenever i take it out and that drips..



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anybody know how to stop methylene blue coming out all liquidy and sort of bubbley when using a marker? seems to come out really well in a mop. its mixed with other ink in the marker and nothing in the mop. it also seems to need to be activatated or something. it goes on really nice but the stain seems to happen when u try and buff it? just wondering if anyone knows anything more about methylene blue?


im not using the powder version because i cant get it anywhere.

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anybody know how to stop methylene blue coming out all liquidy and sort of bubbley when using a marker? seems to come out really well in a mop. its mixed with other ink in the marker and nothing in the mop. it also seems to need to be activatated or something. it goes on really nice but the stain seems to happen when u try and buff it? just wondering if anyone knows anything more about methylene blue?


im not using the powder version because i cant get it anywhere



alot of dyes dont work just by themselves. Ive never used methylene blue, but ive used other kinds of raw inks and they need something to thinken them up. I was suggest mixing them with rubbing alcohol, make sure the concentraition of the ink is more than the alcohol though or it will be way to thinned out and worthless

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What i want to know is there a single ink you can buy, or ONE ingredient you can add to it to make the ink stain so hard it will def leave a ghost.


i've looked briefly in this thread and its all like 12 ingredients for a siutable ink, i dont want to spend loads on leather dye and shit. cheers.

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Jelser if you can get some gentitian violet that would be the best i can think of. I believe garvey is based from that so yeah. And as far as spending money on dyes and what not, I can only say that they have be one of the easiest things to get a 5 finger discount on because they are usually in some obscure coner of a store where no one goes. Rit dye will pass as a cell phone of ipod in ur pocket so try it in black and purple.

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Jelser if you can get some gentitian violet that would be the best i can think of. I believe garvey is based from that so yeah. And as far as spending money on dyes and what not, I can only say that they have be one of the easiest things to get a 5 finger discount on because they are usually in some obscure coner of a store where no one goes. Rit dye will pass as a cell phone of ipod in ur pocket so try it in black and purple.


hows rit dye work? i thought its water based..

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i live in u.k and have no idea what half of these ingredients are , can some1 give me a recipe. I have access to grog, nero ,break fluid , paint thinner , spraypaint , linseed oil,



and would iodine help my ink stain?


i2 will help your ink stain, look at the beginning of this thread to find ingredients. basically, get some black ink, some shoe polish if you like, some i2 (iodine), some gentian violet, some methylene blue, practice mixing, load in mop, hit the streets.

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