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The Photography Thread


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Not those, it's people posting a grip 1000px + huge boring ass shots and the bromantic noobz.

That MN1 shot up top is dope though.


put up or shut up man! I feel pretty confident I could hold my own against your photography (I do like your work however). New to graff, sure as fuck not new to cameras.

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Boring night, so I figured I'd throw a few non-graff photos on here.. let me know what you think.







since you asked, it looks to me like you photoshopped graff onto a garage door; i can see where you didn't erase the stamp in the upper right corner.. a volkswagen hatchback shot in an unused industrial area with graffiti detailing the decadence of the area is only slightly played out. The problem with photoshop is the "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.", now, for all i know, you took a shot of a miniature volkswagen toy in a green box.


I'm not hating, only replying cuz you asked. none of those shots you posted are anything close. shoe shots? word, never seen a pair of nike dunks like those. beer pong shot of dubious photoshop origin/fancy lighting? seen it a cajillion times, on here alone. playing around with the focus on a landscape shot and then deciding to juxtapose the minimal focus with the maximum? word?? just 2 cents, i guess. :o


one more thing, this may just be me being inpersonable, but it gets me uber-vexed when people watermark 600 pixel, mediocre images. get over yourself. even if i did steal it (didn't, and won't), what do you think im going to do: print out a 1.3 by 2 inch passport photo of your shot, and carry it everywhere in my wallet?

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dude he's the one trying to call people out, it's a photo thread if ur gonna say it's gone to shit post some photos worthwhile.. thats my only point. I didn't come in here calling people noobz, and never called it a battle thread. wasn't trying to hate, even said I dug his shots I had seen!


aaand now some photos so this isn't a useless post.







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since you asked, it looks to me like you photoshopped graff onto a garage door; i can see where you didn't erase the stamp in the upper right corner.. a volkswagen hatchback shot in an unused industrial area with graffiti detailing the decadence of the area is only slightly played out. The problem with photoshop is the "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.", now, for all i know, you took a shot of a miniature volkswagen toy in a green box.


I'm not hating, only replying cuz you asked. none of those shots you posted are anything close. shoe shots? word, never seen a pair of nike dunks like those. beer pong shot of dubious photoshop origin/fancy lighting? seen it a cajillion times, on here alone. playing around with the focus on a landscape shot and then deciding to juxtapose the minimal focus with the maximum? word?? just 2 cents, i guess. :o


one more thing, this may just be me being inpersonable, but it gets me uber-vexed when people watermark 600 pixel, mediocre images. get over yourself. even if i did steal it (didn't, and won't), what do you think im going to do: print out a 1.3 by 2 inch passport photo of your shot, and carry it everywhere in my wallet?


deff respect the opinions and the way you relayed them. I'm all for constructive critisism. I had made an all over print of that font and just wanted to test it out, dug the placement and all that so I kept it. the only reason I watermark my work is to tie it all together, people see the name they know it's my work. I make movies, thats my shit, for obvious reasons it's good to tie your photography to your video stuff. thanks for the critisism, always good to hear how different crowds take your photography

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I got an internship at my local independent paper type deal, real stoked on it. Shot a band last night for them, my first time. I was borrowing a flash so I screwed around with that for some of them, but I didn't really get what I wanted so most are without. Criticism and comments welcome if you feel so inclined.










Those are some of the better ones, more on the flickr if you want to check it. http://www.flickr.com/photos/cloakanddagger/

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I had a lot of trouble my first time shooting a band and even had the advantage of ISO-3200.

Weird lighting + low lighting + moving subjects + not wanting to interrupt the performance with flash.

It's not as easy as it seems, Marco probably has all kinds of solid advise in this area.


My next attempt I'll stick with the no flash if possible and get a 85mm f/1.4 lens.

My 50mm 1.8 wasn't bad and I was able to get some flash & motion blur free shots but had to get in too close.

I'd feel more comfortable using an external flash or two mounted above the stage with a pocket wizard.

But an 85mm f/1.4 is cheaper.

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Anyone have any idea on a good SLR for cheap?

if you arent looking for anything super fancy,


wal mart has olympus e-420s for $369. i just copped one; its super small, has live view mode so u can preview what certain exposures etc will look like, and seems to take clean flicks, but i havnt tried anything with a higher iso. one drawback is it uses a 4/3 lens system (digital specific), so you wont be able to use your lenses if you upgrade to a nikon or canon.


i posted 3 pics or so that i shot with it a couple pages ago.


my only regret is not getting it online with the 25mm pancake lens...shit is wicked small with it. heres a pentax k20d next it:




//has stock in olympus

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if you arent looking for anything super fancy,


wal mart has olympus e-420s for $369. i just copped one; its super small, has live view mode so u can preview what certain exposures etc will look like, and seems to take clean flicks, but i havnt tried anything with a higher iso. one drawback is it uses a 4/3 lens system (digital specific), so you wont be able to use your lenses if you upgrade to a nikon or canon.


i posted 3 pics or so that i shot with it a couple pages ago.


my only regret is not getting it online with the 25mm pancake lens...shit is wicked small with it. heres a pentax k20d next it:



//has stock in olympus


I'm using a Lumix GH1 right now with the 4/3 system and I really like it, theres adapters for almost every lens on the market. If you like shooting manual 4/3 is sick. Not much in the way of wide lenses for it yet, but I'm sure they'll address it soon enough. just my 10 cents on 4/3.

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If he meant a DSLR then that's true, but he said an SLR.


It really depends on what lenses you like. I just have a minolta, and there aren't that many lenses, but enough for me right now. As long as you buy something fairly modern, it should have a nice metering system, which is the biggest difference in SLR cameras.


If you have some cash, I'd recommend searching ebay for lots where the bidder doesn't know anything about cameras. My aunt got a lot and it had a couple bodies including a Nikon F2 and a 50/1.2 lens with a crapload of well-kept lenses. I think I'm actually going to start using the F2 soon if she'll let me.


Edit: I'm also just talking about 35mm cameras. It's still my dream to have a Rolleiflex.

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When I got my first Digital SLR I was looking at either Nikon or Cannon.

They're not superior cameras for the price, usually about the same quality.

Main reason is they sell way more cameras and have more lens and accessory choices.


If you get lenses for Cannon or Nikon you have more options later if you upgrade the body.

A lens is a solid investment and lasts longer than a camera body 99% of the time.

Lenses also won't become obsolete in a few years like most digital cameras.



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I'm still not ready for a DSLR(money wise and skill wise), but I did step up my game and invested in a Cannon PowerShot SX200IS. I'd appreciate a couple good links to understanding Shutter Speed and Aperture and how they work together. I'm starting to understand, but reading ain't never done hurt no one. I could Google, but I trust the heads here to help an oonzter out.

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^^Tried to click, but was denied. I'm not important enough I guess.




Aperture = Opening on lens


F-stop = Number on lens ring


Low F-stop = large aperture

High F-stop = small aperture



The larger the aperture (the lower the f-stop) the faster the shutter speed will be. The lower your f-stop, the less likely to get a blurry photo.




Lower F-stop (Faster shutter speed)



Higher F-stop (Slower shutter speed)


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Thanks Mercer.


You'd be another person I've got to see go from point A to B with photography on here. Kind of cool really. Mercer was rocking better joints with a P&S than some shit posted up in this thread with the fancy cams.


My horrible contribution:


Union Station late night. Only creepy cuz of the creepy fucks there at that time.

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