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The Photography Thread


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*Edit: Woops, I thought you typed PUSH, not post.

In any event.. i'll leave this up for those who don't know...





Push processing is not the same as cross processing.


Cross processing relates to color film and either C-41 or E-6 processes.

Slide/transparency film, which is usually processed E-6, can be cross processed using C-41 chemicals.


Push processing actually refers mainly to B&W film. This is when you increase the ISO, say from the films recommended 400 to 800. This underexposes the film , but typically allows for faster shutters speeds, which can be ideal for lower light situations. In order to compensate for the underexposure, the film has to be overdeveloped.

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i did nothing to those photos..

it was slide film developed like normal film..

thats why i put cross processed macro before i posted them



thats cool,,,i like photoshop effects but,,,the raw fliks with an adjustment to film or chemicals or whaever to create style is where its at.


i think the photos that arent digital should get more props and definately say so if its not all digital,,,i did a hundred or so non digital photos and that shit is hard!!!

not to mention making a dark room not to mention precise timing of chemicals.

i guess u just need to go to school for that kind of stuff.


although to get sunset shots of mine it took like 40 tries each and only one or two im satisfied with,,,,is that the case for everyone usually?

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somthing bout smoke,,,

how its chaos quickly molding to the shape of its surrondings.

hah,, u could spnd your entire life photographing smoke and it'll never get old.

like da vinci and his drawing of sheets.

nice rage.


thats eerily correct

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