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What should Pistol do with this cool little domain name?


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I've had this domain registered since like Nov. or something.

It's a 3 character domain. It's actually one I was waiting to expire so I could snatch it up. It was the same letters as a crew I was in years ago.

But I don't know what I should do with it.

I mean it's already hosted and everything but it's said "Coming Soon" since Nov 2002.


Porn? I would really hate to turn it into a porn site in case I can think of something useful for it later.


BLOG? Hell no. That shit is mad gay. Then I would have to make a porn site just to be able to keep my testicles.


Come on you crazy clever 12oz kids...

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zack. if you get your flicks scanned and stuff.

i'll give you some web space ie. subdomain or regular domain. NO discount=free


well for porn websites. they sell stock porn CD's.


you can sign up for webmastr referal programs such as bangbus etc, and get free content as long as you post their link. then for every person that signs up you get a cut. something like 10-20 dollars for every signup.

bang bus sent me a couple of checks already. easy money. try it you might like it.

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