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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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whats up bitches?!


ive been in san diego/mexico since wednesday night

got back last night but was too tired to get on here


so many stories, so many stories

these are the highlights

if you want me to elaborate let me know...


-kicked out of hotel wednesday night


-crazy dude outside new hotel early thursday morning


-train to tijuana


-fruity white frat boys with braids in tijuanaj bar


-tijuana stripclub (part 1)


-train back to san diego


-apparently we're terrorists


-wandering the gas lamp


-pizza in the hotel room


-back to tijuana


-much drinking (the race)


-tijuana stripclub (part two) *the chase*


-train back to san diego and the crazy white spanish rapper

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train to tj:


we woke up around 2pm in our new hotel

(the ramada in downtown san diego)

drank a few mixed drinks and took one to go on the train

got our tickets and headed on our way

halfway through the ride the railroad cops got on,

my one friend starts freaking out

because hes holding his cup filled with jack and coke

my other friend and i continue to drink

figuring whats the worst that could happen

we're above 21, and the cops have better things to do


well yes, much better things to do as they pull this kid up out of his

seat and push his face against the window as the put cuffs on him


hes grunting and cussiug and causing a big scene

as we sit there sipping our drinks




train back to san diego:


its 10pm or so and

we're fucking trashed! and i mean barely able to stand up trashed

pissing everyone else off on the train

(im suprised we even made it across the border)

i start throwing newspapers at my friend

while my other friend is just laughing uncontrollably

the railroad cops get on

and some dude tells them to tell us to be quiet

they come over and see the mess of newspaper and random shit

and stench of alcohol

and tell us to get off the train


we get off at the next stop only to realise...



apparently we're terrorists:


that we have missed our real stop two stops back

so we cross the tracks to get on the opposite train

its still a good 10 minutes away

so we decide to light off one of the m-80s we bought earlier in the day

my one friend wanders off with one

and lights it in a trash can

everyone else at the station

goes quiet and stops talking


the train is coming and we get up to get on, when we hear

'sit the fuck down boys!'

its the san diego police

and theyre pissed

apparently they saw my friend light the m80 and put it in the can


i swear it was straight from a movie

the officer gave us this retarded talk

while his partner sat there nodding


he asked my friend what he was doing with his life


friend: 'im a business major sir'

cop: 'are you sure youre not majoring in stupidity?'

me: (laughing)

cop: 'what about you son?'

me: 'i build hot rods'

cop: 'oh so then you think youre above the law?'

me: 'what are you talking about'

cop: 'oh you think youre real smart'

cop: 'how about i send all you back across the border to mexican jail, theyll turn you into taco meat'

friends and myself: (laughing)

cop: 'i hate you little shits that think homeland security is a joke'

other friend: 'dude its not like were bringing back ak47s'

cop: 'well you might as well be, youre still a terrorist bringing back fireworks'

us: (laughing)

we give the cop our ids

he looks over them and tells us to get the fuck out of san diego


we walk back to our hotel room pockets full of fireworks

and stay in san diego for the next 2 days


the conversation is as much as i can remember from it

it was all golden funny shit

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train back to san diego and the crazy white spanish rapper:



were coming back to san diego saturday night

and there are two older dudes chilling on the train with a bottle of tequila

were trashed theyre trashed


the one dude keeps mumbling shit to himself

and his friend keeps jabbing him in the ribs


finally the dude getting jabbed in the ribs busts out with a bunch of drunken spanish

and starts rapping about his chevy and a microwave and carne asada


dude had to be a good 50 years old

and claimed he knew no spanish

but when he drank tequila he could speak it


his one rap went something like this

and it was half in spanish half english


driving in my cheby

i just ate carne asada

yummy in my belly

pick up my girlfriend

drive in my cheby

dont look at me holmes

in ese loco crazy

ill steal your microwave

and pop your sisters cherry...


this went on for a good 15 minutes

and i was laughing my ass off the whole time

its not word for word obviously but i was drunk as shit

and thats all i can kind of remember


just picture this coming out of a 50 something year old white dude

drunk as fuck off tequila

our little group was the only one laughing

everyone else on the train seemed pissed

and a few looked outright offended

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Originally posted by When

his partner sat there nodding


he asked my friend what he was doing with his life


friend: 'im a business major sir'

cop: 'are you sure youre not majoring in stupidity?'

me: (laughing)

cop: 'what about you son?'

me: 'i build hot rods'

cop: 'oh so then you think youre above the law?'

me: 'what are you talking about'

cop: 'oh you think youre real smart'

cop: 'how about i send all you back across the border to mexican jail, theyll turn you into taco meat'

friends and myself: (laughing)

cop: 'i hate you little shits that think homeland security is a joke'

other friend: 'dude its not like were bringing back ak47s'

cop: 'well you might as well be, youre still a terrorist bringing back fireworks'

us: (laughing)

we give the cop our ids

he looks over them and tells us to get the fuck out of san diego





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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

hey iquit, hows it going? hows work, the old lady etc etc etc.


work is slow. shit is either insanely busy or just dead. luckily i have my boss convinced that i am doing research for graffiti action figures, so if they catch me playin on 12oz i can say i'm working. haha, suckazzzz.


going to macao with the lil lady next weekend. its an island where you can gamble, so its a crazy party town. should be fun, i'll try to post flics. havent done any hardcore gambling in a while, so i'm siked.


haha, my cow-fucking quote has been immortalized!


what up with you?

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damn tis hot here down under

got to 41 degrees celcius...

work was stinkin hot

i couldnt wait till i was home to jump on the 12 and sit down with some heineken's..

i got a pool, was just in it before it was beautiful

but tis bloody hot out side

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Originally posted by krie

damn tis hot here down under

got to 41 degrees celcius...

work was stinkin hot

i couldnt wait till i was home to jump on the 12 and sit down with some heineken's..

i got a pool, was just in it before it was beautiful

but tis bloody hot out side


that nasty humid heat is slowly workin its way into hk. not lookin forward to that shit, AT ALL.

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my roomates ex girlfriend is taking her computer back. therefore i will be left with a cable modem box, and a new motherboard fan i bought yesterday.


but i will not have a computer.it will be nearly impossible for me to find a computer to use to stay updated on dates and packages. and it will be even more impossible to find a computer to put my fliks of everyones stickers up with.


its been cool and all, but if she comes and repo's the computer, i will not be on for a significant amount of time. supposidly she is on her way now. so this may be my last post for a while unless i kill her with a wiffle ball bat and burry her in the front lawn of my apartment......but that is very unlikely. however she may not take it back, im going to tell her that i was the one that fixed it, (true) she left it, i bought a new fan, i pay for the cable modem, and the deposit on the box, i bought a brand new floppy drive for it, i bought the double cd drives, and i spent countles hours putting the thing back the way it was supposed to be.


anywho, im outro. sorry guys.

*edit. if any one would like to donate to the "help fantom get a pc fund feel free, i wont stop you. but i know everyones broke


I FOUND THIS OUT EARLIER^^^^^^^^^ but i found out later i have about a week till she picks it up. im so pisssed right now.

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yeah tis bullshit hot.. but might work in my favour, mum might not wanna cook, so i can push for pizza, then if i get it, ill make her swing past bottle shop for more beer :ballcap:


if you see this bute: what that sms mean on sunday? I was confused ?

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

I FOUND THIS OUT EARLIER^^^^^^^^^ but i found out later i have about a week till she picks it up. im so pisssed right now.


that sucks, dun. my laptop got boosted right outta my office when i was at lunch a couple months ago. had a ton of personal shit on there. flics, emails etc.... computers are evil anyway. you're better off without.

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yeah i know im better off without. but still, im hella mad, all the time and money ive wasted to put this thing back together. im sooooooooo pissed, now i cant go to the 12oz, and make fun of you, or any one else, i cant organize my packages that need to be sent out, and i cant order supplies. dammit, man. this is gay. im going to kill her.

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