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last thing you ate?

tue skinny

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must respectfully disagree on that.. really like their fries & chicken bake, but there are enough pizza chains id choose over costcos


thing i dont like about their pizza is that theres so much grease that the dough is just heavy & soaked in it.. at room temperature, its like eating a soft sponge full of it when you get to the crust. still, the good thing is that they have thickass cuts of veggies.. & because its costco, theyre not afraid to pile that shit on


got an xl 5 topping earlier.. gonna reheat about half of that in a minute because i only ate once today


havent had a nice hot pretzel in a while. do want

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wasnt there on this particular shift, but worked at a place where this cook FUCKED UP his arm from the fryer.. think he slipped or something. freddy krueger statusd it


cant get myself to throw away the crust.. just cant - such a waste.. like straightup throwing away bread, which i sort of respect. done it a few times out of being so full that i was worried.. but other than those isolated incidents of defeated gluttony, i force myself to feel the burn :burn:


havent eaten since those shake & bake drumsticks.. a modern caveman hungers

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