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Everything posted by ndv

  1. Yo! I figured I would post here. I may possible create a PSA topic for getting important massages out to share with the masses. If you have a UPS account, your account number is in the tracking number. It will be the first few alphanumeric characters after UPS' default letter 'Z' So basically, I had some use my UPS account number to ship ship stolen goods from some New York drop off UPS store to a home address up for sale located in PA. I disputed the charge, but UPS denied the 60 dollar shipping and claims it was legit (kinda pissed about that). What the scammers are now doing is stealing companies UPS/FedEx account numbers and printing legit labels, then dropping off the packages at drop off locations. They are doing this to circumvent any forms of payments that may lead to their arrests. Anyhow, your employer or you can lock the UPS account in the account settings that will not allow someone to ship using the account number. However, UPS does give the option for you customers/vendors to ship using your account number only if you grant them access to do so. I wish I could post how to lock the account but I seem to have forgot and tried to backtrack but am I lost now. So this is just a heads up. Be careful, the scammers are using our shipping accounts to go full circle.
  2. I thought the Dracula picking up a prescription, was Dracula making LSD.
  3. minus the heart burn this time
  4. Pretty much my monthly rotation
  5. Had one of these cucks tail gating me on the freeway today as I was doing 70 in a 60. Dude moves over to pass me because I wasn't going anywhere and as he passed I see a "Don't tread on me." sticker on his rear window. I laughed and it reminded me of this.
  6. ndv

    Current View

    I get these as well when I have long cord (10ft), the incorrect charger or low charging rate. Or what's worse is the battery is nearing the end of its life cycle. But it mainly has to do with the first 2.
  7. That's what she said! Osama having sex with Prophet Mohammed Bill Clinton blowing Larry Nassar
  8. I don't keep up with custom sneakers, but have y'all heard of this guy? https://www.thesurgeon.com/ I could put money to better use, way out of my price range and what I'd be willing to pay.
  9. Definitely post moar. I have never been to a convention and hear the conventions are a great place to buy sneakers.
  10. One other thing you sneaker heads may wanna get. Check out Crepe it's a spray that keeps your shoes looking brand new.
  11. It's interesting how ai can generate logos with slight additions as it is to keep the ai company from a licensing lawsuit. Great photo prompt by-the-way
  12. That's a crazy story. I don't know what else to say.
  13. Anybody know what this guy is spilling about?
  14. Chauvin just got stabbed up too. Happened yesterday around noon.
  15. Prophet Mohammed kissing Trump Random Metallica as Led Zeppelin Prophet Mohammed loving Ru Pual Is guess it could also be Prophet Mohammed as Ru Paul
  16. I am located on the third floor suite 213 of the Internal Revenue Service building in Langley Virginia.
  17. When I get back home I'll see what I can do.
  18. ndv


    Those Turdunkens look sik.
  19. That's a good question. I'd say over 15. I will have to get back with you on that with a "Not trying to flex" post.
  20. FBI jerking off Schumer Black Klansman Gay Aryan Brotherhood Ted Kaczynski mailing sandwiches Timothy McVeigh bombing a train
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