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Everything posted by ndv

  1. 🤦‍♂️ So is that an automatic knife ? I can't tell but that what it looks like.
  2. remind me, sometimes the simplest looking parts can cost much more than something with more features. It's like changing a light bulb but you need a boom to do it.
  3. ndv

    Sean Combs

    I was watching Netflix Moses and one of the theologians was talking about how in biblical times the Egyptians would try to erase history over time amongst the enslaved isrealites so eventually all they would believe is what they wanted them too. I guess if it didn't work, it wouldn't be practiced today.
  4. Mashups on vinyl definitely takes far more skill than preloading your mp3. Analog vs. digital. Most opt for the easy route, but head to head Vinyl Dj vs. Digital DJ mashup comp. Vinyl will probably win most of the time. To the young crowd, vinyl is a lost art.
  5. ndv

    Sean Combs

    Never really clicked on the reference numbers. Thanks for the info. You just opened me up to a whole new conspiracy. The truth is what I say it is.
  6. Finally got some time munufacture a stamp. Made this guy for the jobs I do not get.
  7. ndv

    Sean Combs

    Pulled from Wikipedia. Not sure how Wikipedia gets detailed info like this so quickly. But if true he's not having the best time, probably on the phone with lawyers figuring out what he's gonna do when he gets back.
  8. ndv

    Sean Combs

    Come to think of it - this is true. Perhaps puffy hits different over seas.
  9. ndv

    Sean Combs

    https://planefinder.net/data/aircraft/N1969C Doesn't say much other than it's heading back to US
  10. ndv

    Sean Combs

    I can see it now. P Diddy in federal custody making beats with his hands on the day room table while R Kelly flowing to the beat singing something about how Diddy would ship him 12 year Olds so he could pee on them.
  11. ndv

    Sean Combs

    You got a point.
  12. She did speed up - but it looks like she sped up to clear the light as you notice the lights changing. Imo, it was bad decisions and timing on both parties. I wanna see the follow up on people's court.
  13. ndv

    Sean Combs

    I hope he moved his money around - perhaps tossed it all on a crypto drive because they will eventually cut his banks off squeezing as much hardship put of him as possible.
  14. 🤔 wonder if Leiberman took a fall because he was on the Boston Bridge Evergreen hit?
  15. That's what's up. I find it fun, the challeging part is creating a Mashup that actually sounds good, specially to the audience. Once you fine tune it, it's no different say an artist painting a picture their way, or better anology, would be a chef preparing you a meal how they think it should be intended. I am sure there are plenty of great mashups but DJs from Mars have pretty inspiring mashups that will get the blood and creativity flowing. You can hear everything in T4M*s recent post explaining timing. Created during covid.
  16. That does sound on point. @LUGR so I am taking you are playing around with mixing jazz and 80s rap? I like experimenting, so that's why I ask.
  17. How come when I read something I begin to hear trump amd I read it like he speaks? This blows 😑
  18. Never got into paintball. I wouldn't consider paintball a mid life crisis and definitely wouldn't compare it to a corvette. Paintball can teach you battlefield skills. All a corvette is gonna do, is teach how to pull up dressed like this... You get that paint!!
  19. That's some good quality! Props to your kid! So you get contracts with some high-end designers, heh? Sounds like you have the market cornered considering these companies can manufacture things here opposed to manufacturing in other countries where it may seem cheaper then putting the products on a boat due to the increased risks the shipping industry is becoming more and more of a high value target due to geopolitics and other global crises. Looks like you have an advantage leveraging companies with a piece of mind as a sales pitch. Idk, just something that came to mind.
  20. This is a good question, Trump has Diddy beat on clout though. No way Trump's ego is going to allow Diddy get all that media attention but it probably won't help Diddy. Edit: maybe Diddy's best defense is run for president.
  21. That's good to hear. I mean if it's been good to you for that long, I'd try getting another 100k out of it as you stack paper if it doesn't give any major problems where the repair is just as much as a new whip. The new E Class looks pretty sweet. I like the tech MB is offering these days. It's just tough for me to justify a 100k ride. Although, I am the type that cringes at a 100k ride, but will go buy a 300-500 t shirt. My stupidty is on a level I can't even understand.
  22. That sounds about right. Where do you get your parts from, Bap Geon?
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