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Everything posted by CLICKCLACKONER



    Flight club. But be prepares to pay rape prices. Dope pick btw.


    TripleSuplex needs to fuckin chill the fuck out. That white pride is scary.
  3. He must be wack if ur gonna put him on the same echelon as Lupe.
  4. Shit, if he's willing to do it 7 days before and right after the fight!? Mayweather looks like a pussy.


    Lord forbid you actually believe him.
  6. Coke is not that good for $400. Wow I used to pickup for $13!
  7. C'mon pac, don't let a little needle ruin your credibility.
  8. I don't mind chicks doing a little toot Of coke or blowing a little weed...only once in a while. What I hate is when chicks are all into smoking big bong rips and fatty l's. That is very unattractive.
  9. Award for the nigga that wants to be a mod (really fucking bad): Shai Halud
  10. Just got back from watching it in 3d. The action was soo fucking dope. Princess mononoke vibe which was wack but the graphics was amazing.
  11. IMHO I think IMAX is a little overwhelming. I saw 300 on IMAX and it was difficult to soak in the action.
  12. My fam from DMV is getting hit hard. NYC is nutty right now, like ghost town in southern bk.
  13. It looks to jar jar binks-ish.
  14. Friday - work sat- work sun- you guessed it, work
  15. Sausage (nh) egg whites wheat buttered bread fries side of gravy
  16. Coach is straight hoodrat/ black girl bama bags.
  17. Gobots is like the bootleg kmart transformers. They were all simple like bumblebee.
  18. "Goddamn bitch set me up!" ~ Mayor Marion Berry
  19. Hold up, lemme call my boy to confirm cuz were not really friends but I knew him from my old block and he's gonna tell me that I should work for him.
  20. Program your body so that every morning before you shower, you take a shit.
  21. Co sign. The only exciting part was the brutality. My friend went on a date and watched this movie thinking it was a horror/ suspense film. He heard that watching horror movies would be an aphrodisiac. Needless to say he didn't get any pussy that night.
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