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Everything posted by CLICKCLACKONER

  1. There's no way blu is from the states. My first car was an '81 datsun 510 station wagon. I loved that thing! Probably would still be alive but my lazy ass didn't change the oil.
  2. Croc tears: not my hood. Are c-thru gates the ones that look like see-through bricks? If it is m sure roll down Gage companies do these as well.
  3. There was a thread just like this a few months ago. Some people got real heated with plainclothes and undercover distinctions.
  4. She watch she watch she watch....zero
  5. ^^^^^co sign fully. I gotta dig that shit up. Nostalgia right there. NO HOMO!
  6. just had 2 of these today. the other bk is charging more cuz they were losing money with it for only a $1.
  7. these crack bags were big in the 90's.
  8. this was a dope book. especially lee's part.
  9. pacman is gonna fuck this nigger up and will molest rick ross's wife.
  10. the one on the right was the last transformer i've ever owned.
  11. yo, me too! it's straight up fu man chu status with my asian ass. /babyfacetwoer
  12. Pacman seems to annhilate bigger fighters. That being said, I hope he wins against this motherfucker. Didn't gayweather claim PAC was on roids? Dafuckoutahere.
  13. What's the name of that blue ball thing up there? Pause.
  14. Smoking right before a job interview is a waste of trees.
  15. The first tape I bought with my own $ was run dmc - raisin' hell. 1st cd was red hot chili peppers- mothers milk.
  16. coors light is also great during summertime on the beach with a lot of humidity.
  17. yuengling is super cheap crap beer. i like beer taste bitter, not sour patch kids. btw, there are good cheap beer out there.
  18. i remember those benetton ads. i think that was 95 or 96?
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