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Everything posted by CLICKCLACKONER

  1. I saw it online. It was in arthouse theaters a few months ago.
  2. This movie is not awesome. Worst movie of 2009.
  3. I have noticed a lot that this nigga name drops [a lot] and is a rider (both bicycle and dick).
  4. My friends went there. It's a fine city. It's also unbearably hot.
  5. I've never heard of bubbles but it sounds like it's just stepped on coke.
  6. I'm thinking humans will live a whole lot longer due to stem cell research. I also think that cancer will be cured and overpopulation will happen.
  7. I remember my dad giving me those game n watches after a trip to australia. One of my first memories are these games. I kicked ass in octopus and chef. Also I was the envy of the neighborhood.
  8. I get lightweight aggy when I don't smoke. It's been about 2 weeks since no smoke (not by choice). Not a big deal but my wife definitely notices it. Last night she was like "I think you need a 20!" I was dumbfounded that those words came out her mouth.
  9. I currently live in a wop neighborhood. The reality show is right outsie my door. They are more of the wigger type guidos and not the Ed hardy ones.
  10. stupid joke about a stupid thread. sorry.
  11. Haha. iPhone posting sucks but that's like 95% of my posts.
  12. When I checked macys yesterday they had a 25% off watch sale. The g shock was about $70.
  13. For some reason I read almost the whole thread. Fuck my life.
  14. Prime example of stupid arguing is the dog/ wolf, horse/ zebra. Damn that was lame.
  15. This is why my wife and I have 2 comps. I can't wait til her contract is up so we could have 2 iPhones.
  16. Back in my hs years I got pulled over with 4 forties, trees and a bowl. I just dropped of my girl at the time and there were 3 other dudes n the whip. The po comes up to me and asked I'd he search the car. I thought I was bagged for sure. I was like "what's my rights on this?" popo told me "u could either say yes or no." I told him "no" cuz I already knew it was curtains for me and the crew. The dude went back to the cruiser came back to me and told me to beat it. When I turned around there were 4 fucking squad cars. To this day I still dnt understand why I wasn't locked up that night. Peace to the gods. /coolstorybr0
  17. i remember that as well. for some reason back in the 80's we watched the space shuttle launches at school.
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