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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. true tpbm really wants to play gta5 when it comes out in the next couple of months/weeks whatever!
  2. they can't confiscate your paint, sounds like you got played, UNLESS you live in an area where it is illegal to be out and about with spray paint on you, i.e. new york where i think its a misdemeanor just to carry that shit around. im not sure 100% but that could also be going on. anyways, like whoever above me already said, you should be more aware of where you are parking, and how you look. if you are a sketchy looking kid running around town at 1 in the morning, you are gonna get stopped like that alot. or jumped and robbed.. either way. know where you're at and act/dress appropriately. AND FOR GODS SAKE DON'T LET THEM SEARCH YOUR BAG. not that saying "i don't consent" will lead to anything other than you having a prolonged detention, 5 more squad cars and getting searched and violated anyways.
  3. just waiting for one of these suckers to namedrop..
  4. you can put your dick in a garbage disposal but that doesn't mean its a good idea.. but that doesn't really fit with this scenario does it? no, i just wanted you to have the mental picture of someones mangled penis afterwards..
  5. oh and blood in blood out. thats my shit yo. gimme some of that chon chon!
  7. i thought that was going to be a cats perspective on being bathed and why they don't seem to like waters. i am disappoint.
  9. exist in the cut. all i have to contribute atm. i need to hit the district again..
  10. yes, lets all celebrate the horrible violence in chicago!! cheers everyone!
  11. ripped apart by wild mongooses while painting a vre track in manassas im afraid. just goes to show you that there is very little to be gained in painting graffiti anywhere, but especially anywhere in virginia. 'cause of all the wild man eating mongooses and all... and deers. a fucking deer ran right infront of my car one time and was not giving a fuck about the possibility of getting ran the fuck over. those things are bold as shit out here.
  12. youtube and google are data miners and want you to give up your address and phone number and stupid shit like that, so it makes sense to take that shit to somewhere else.
  13. because you got high, because you got high, because you got hii-igh. lada da da data da.
  14. idk if its just me but for a brief moment at the beginning of this gif, joaquin pheonix looks liKe DAO hahaha.
  15. currently working as a minimum wage slave at a local supermarket. shit sucks yo, i work like 7 or 8 days in a row, and at about 8 hours at a time. its not all bad though, i like the fact that its in walking distance from my place and im getting mad hours so im getting paid. the last job i was at i was lucky to get 20 hours a week and i had to jump through soo many hoops to get their with the schedule i was on. i had to basically either call a cab which would cost me 25 bucks a night, or i would have to catch the last train out and then spend like 3 or 4 hours in the cold waiting for my shift to start. i wasn't getting paid enough for the amount of trouble i had to go through to get there. i do miss my coworkers though, they had a good weed hook up haha. half the crew was blazed the whole time they were there. i want to go back to school and do something with art, but i feel like its too competative of a field to get into and i don't have alot of confidence in myself at the moment. im kinda leaning towards joining job corps and doing either welding or auto mechanics and work either construction or for the railroad industry. atleast for a while. but im like, if i wait on going to school for the art stuff im never gonna do it..so its causing me to kinda be stagnant and not really do anything with my life right now. anyone here have any experience with either art school for like graphic design or with welding? should i just go for that shit or wait on it?
  16. the first thing i was taught was bars, meaning building your letters with well, bars. once you get that down its just a matter of fuckin around with it, messin with the flow or how you bend the letters, whether they are sharp angled or curved etc. but everything starts with bars. just keep drawing, thats all you really can do.
  17. you still pay for paint fool?
  18. yo props to I25er and stoen for that blue line spot they got back a couple weeks ago. that blue shit was bangin, i fuck with it.
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