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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. i liked it, he should have stuck with the asian broad though..
  2. i feel ashamed to say this, but i totally noticed rick astleys face while i was looking for porn and was like "lolwut?" and was kind of hoping it was legit porn because that would be hilarious, but then i remembered he's gay and didn't want to take the chance that it was gonna come out homoerotic so i cruised the asian section instead. i lead an interesting life yall.
  3. id prop you but i must spread, the fuck is this from? hahah.
  4. if you watch it from 1:08 on without the video it sounds almost exactly like what i assume hardcore gay porn would sound like.
  5. 30 minutes or less is a good movie to see if you want to be bored to death. on the upside the indian* chick is smokin *pakistani
  6. books i own graffiti LA twice graffiti world twice (first copies got took in a raid) style files volume whatever freight train graffiti --------------------------- books i want graffiti new york orwhatever its called.
  7. not sleeping on it, more like avoiding it. two of the most cornball rappers ever got together to make a horrible song. lame. i'd smash though probably.
  8. i see some cheeto feet up there..
  9. true tpbm thinks george zimmerman is guilty
  10. false, being a celebrity would probably suck, either because the fame would be overwhelming and because most celebrities seem to have horrible personalities. tpbm would bone jane valez mitchell.
  11. true. okay to start off, i would have an endless array of all types of fried chicken. kfc,popeyes,churches,calvins (agusta ga know what im talkin bout) and about 45-50 of them chicken quesadillas from taco bell. then for my second course i would have a giant bowl of spaghetti, with those little miniature corndogs mixed in, you know the ones that look like tater tots but they really not they just corn dogs. and then ima have them drape the spaghetti in dominoes pizza (pepperoni with extra cheese and extra pepperoni) and then back it like pie. them after im done with that i'll finish off my dessert with 2 full gallons of expresso and a carton of cigarettes with a side of laxitives. that way when i am finally sent to be executed and i vacate my bowels i want those fuckers to have to clean my shit off the walls and the cieling for months. i literally want my whole anus to explode and then start squirting out this most foulest of excriments all over the executioner and the guards, and the witnesses and family members of who ever i wronged. not even the priest will be spared from my pooey wrath. they will all feel my pain, and will rue the day that they put the great romero to death. i will become a folk hero to those incarcerated, and they will make shrines in my likeness out of bars of soap and toilet paper mache, and i will become the patron saint to all those serving life or on their 3rd strikes. they will say "romero died for your sins and shat on all them niggas and the warden so you don't have to" and they will rejoice... tpbm found my above answer to be alteast slightly entertaining.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KluoV6jKW10&feature=related
  13. real talk fool i think your buggin on this. i don't see alot of similarities there, don't look too deep into that shit. the N he is rockin is pretty much what i call a starter N. something that we've all rocked at one time, i've rocked that exact same N and that was way before i even seen your throw. if i really dug for it i could probably find alot of people with similar if not carbon copies of that throw. yours got some flare in it that makes it your own, and if i saw the two in the streets i'd never mistake them for eachother. i mean i can understand you being mad about someone rocking your name, alot of cats think that way. me personally i don't because it is what it is but im not downing you for it, im just saying i don't see a bite bro. its just a generic N on his part, not trying to hate on him neither but its the truth. i'll keep it to pm's from now on, i don't want to clog up the thread anymore.
  14. asians with bubble butts are a pleasant sight to see.
  15. just got done running, gonna apply for some jobs and then pop a shitload of pills and then go cook me up some kilbasa like a boss. xanax and polish sausage, a winning combination.
  16. wes that fool who got high off wet and killed all them people a while back? idk i don't remember.
  17. tiles got nice simples. bump that hangover.
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