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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. im not gonna lie, i've used chalk to outline my shit before. usually when i want to rock an outline without the fill, i can't do it yet without bars yet.. some dudes can, but i cant. you don't hear anyone talking down on someone who traces their shit before hand with pencil when sketching in books, so why is any different for walls? i'd like to be skilled enough to do just freestyle shit like some niggas, but i can't..and really as long as it comes out looking nice who gives a fuck? personally i draw the line at using tape or cardboard to keep lines straight because thats basically cheating yourself you know? but at the end of the day its just another ends to a mean so as long as the end product is dope, i could care less about how they did it. my 2 cents, im probably gonna get one of you fools negging me calling me a toy but fuck em.
  2. just logged in to tell perts and sev that they are beasts and to keep up the good work so that i can continue to bite from them unmercilessly.. im only joking, OR AM I??? yes, yes i am.
  3. you aren't gonna improve overnight, its going to take months, and years even. i like where its going though, it's got that digital hitech shit goin on with it, the second one atleast. i like that, keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it eventually.
  4. that love would look better if we could see some tits. because i love tits. i wanna see your girls tits...
  5. i have the feeling that someone is gonna show up to this class and it turns out to be just a bunch of older writers standing around laughing and pointing fingers like "yo this nigga forreal paid money to learn how to write LOLZ what a nerd" and then throw their empties at them and beat them up and steal all the paint they brought with them etc. in summary, yer gonna git robbed.
  6. thanks fool, i think i understand what your saying. im trying to perfect my shit right now so its all over the place lately. im kinda being pulled between old english/gang style and texas style shit. i think i have to many influences at once. i really like cats like kaos and code and soze from texas and at the same time im into 3a crew like ges and kem etc. and folk from cali too. so i think those influences are pulling me in seperate directions. im trying to restart and come up with a more original script thats my own but i can't shake those west coast/texas/3a vibes. im not even from cali, so it feels ingenuine rocking these letters sometimes. i think i need to stay off the internet for a while or my shit is gonna come out all generic looking and shit.
  7. thanks man, it kinda fell off after the H haha. im not good with the hn combo tbh. no problem btw, im probably gonna be busy in the next week or two so its no rush.
  8. word, im not a fan of the HN combo. i went with a uppercase H but it didn't match with the rest of the letters so i went with a lowercase instead. well whatever, i'll take it as a lesson learned for next time.
  9. that charms is dope.. any crits?
  10. for fashn. might color it later, idk...im scared ima fuck it up if i try haha. any thoughts on it?
  11. it saddens the fuck out of me to come to this thread, lots of quality work in here. when you go to most of the american threads its all self promo and toy garbage. i know that doesnt necessarily represent those cities scenes, but it gets so swamped with lame shit you literally have to dig through pages of mostly internet beef and shitty pics before you find anything worth looking at. no one cares what i have to say blah blah blah. whatever, felt like ranting. keep posting quality stuff.
  12. word, i'll have access to a scanner in probably a week or so so i'll try to get it in then. i know i got a couple outstanding exchanges i need to get in and i'll try to get them in then as well.
  13. haha, my bad i forgot about that shit. been kind of preoccupied with shit in my life, plus my computer crashed and i didn't have access to one where i could upload pics to atleast, i can still get on though, its just slow.. so when i was at a place with a scanner i decided to bust out a quick sketch, vims was the first thing i saw. what was the word? i don't remember if we were just doing eachothers names or what...
  14. simp for VIMS. i was bored and thought i'd contribute seeing as i won't have a comp for a while. EDIT: just realised i bit that I from you hahaha. my bad. i thought that shit looked familiar.
  15. if you don't put their name on the photo how will you be able to find it if you search for it? thats the point of tagging photos. cops already know who's gettin down and who's not. as long as folks aren't blowin up the spot in the process its whatever.
  16. thats because you're an old fart who was born in the 60's and has a warped sense of graffiti because of all the alzheimers and years of drug use finally catching up with you..LOLJKDON'TNEGMEBRO. graff is graff, i don't care if he spends his days drawing dick throwies everywhere, as long as he's getting up thats all that counts to me. someone find that dick throwie pic. the one over the cope piece or whatever.
  17. HEY YOU! YES YOU! your signature is very offensive and hurt my feelings quite badly when i happened to glance upon it. i demand an apology from you seamer.
  18. cuz i gets no love when i ask for teh handstyle exchangerisms...
  19. bump for handstyle exchange..i see you negros lurkin..
  20. can one of you nerds give me a word to do, im bored as fuck haha. handstyle exchange maybe?
  21. goddamnit armand hammer i was thinking that link was legit and got excited that there was a whole site dedicated to plagarism, but alas my dreams were dashed upon the jagged rocks :lol: propped regardlesss..
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