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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. im just gonna comment on the SPEAK for now. the p is not very well defined, it looks more like an i or something. make sure especially when dealing with straight letters that your letters are easily identifiable. same thing with the E. the e looks like its stuck between a cursive e and a E. make up your mind. if you want it to look like a more cusive e with loops on the nose draw it more like 3 but backwards obviously. the A has the same problem as the p. the middle bar isn't very well defined, but its still very obviously an A whick is a plus. with the K the legs connect to low on the backbone of the k. bring that up a bit. your biggest problem is getting to bars to be evenwidthed, you don't want one bar to thicker on one side than the other.. you want it to be like this // and not like thi /\ if that makes anysense. all that will come with time though, the more you draw the better you'll get. just practice bro, thats the only advice you need tbh.
  2. this is just not very realistic. i mean first off, jasmine is middle eastern right? wheres the hair? everyone knows that arab women are oblivious to the world of shaving, i expect to see jungles of unkempt hair in and around everywhere. trust me i know about this, my mothers a gypsy. she had back hair as a child and it was pretty gross, anyways i digress, more hair is needed if you want this to be realistic portrayal of this beloved disney character. also i feel like your sketch has an unsettling lack of arrows, how can you not have arrows in your piece and call yourself a graffiti artist? you can't. i suggest adding some to the s and h and n, not the i though, that would be over kill.. and also maybe some arrows coming out the chicks ass.. like just hella arrows falling out of her anus. or even better, make one of the arrows off the "shin" piece cross over and fuck her to death. i think that would be hella dope no homo. just a suggestion bro. i mean its your decision in the end but definitely add more arrows and crowns and shit. -romero
  3. i've been rocking the same o for years so don't feel bad haha.
  4. ..romero..


    word, that andrea shit is on point.
  5. im down for an exchange alibi.. you want me to do eli or alibi or what?
  6. chill bro, i think its safe to say we've all killed our fair share of hookers..
  7. nah fool, imo atleast the A looks wonky, the middle bar is too low and it seems too wide in comparison to the other letters, the k is on point no bullshit. trust me, the k is the most solid letter. followed by the e.
  8. res4- the a needs to get scraped imo. and the way the bottom part of the s seperates into two parts doesn't work well with the rest of the letters. the p is dope and i like how you accentuate it, my only advice is to space it out from the s like the rest of the letters. the e and k are nice though and i have nothing to say bad about them. especially the k. jeb- how long have you been writing?
  9. id prop you for that yearz, but 12oz is a jealous bitch and doesnt think you deserve mah prahps. thanks 12oz.
  10. writing a name that may or may not be taken is totally different than biting. everyones name is taken, yours, mine, shit i've met people who write the same shit as me. and i don't give a fuck, and neither should he. it's not like he's writing a legends name, and by legend im talking about someone who's known by writers everywhere, like old school heads, local legends don't count. unless you write something thats hella retarded like vagisil or something like that, chances are someone else out there not only writes it, but he writes it alot better than you, so tripping on a name is pointless. biting is a whole different story. not only because it shows a lack of originality, which is important in a group where having your own style is key, but because if it goes unchecked it becomes a habit. thats why you got to get on people when they so blatantly rip off others, especially ones who run with a crew known world wide. its one thing to get inspiration from someones work and another to straight jack that shit, its a bad look and should be frowned upon. everyone of us basically uses the same letters in one way or another, and thats fine because most people add their own bit of flare to it, but when they don't even make an attempt to make it their own it becomes a problem. i know its easier to take than originate but we should atleast make an attempt at it.
  11. i know i said "if you're gonna bite" but i really meant, don't bite.. its a bad look.
  12. c'mon son, if your gonna bite someone make sure its not someone in a crew thats known worldwide, and don't bite it bit for bit. same rainbow prism going through it with the same r and everything. not cool fool. originality is key. write what you want fool, don't worry about anyone else.
  13. ..romero..

    Yard Safety

    i don't know how you managed to close those doors, i've tried numerous times and haven't been able to get them to budge. maybe im just out of shape or the doors were locked into place, idk..but yeah your friend is screwed bro. probably gonna die of fume inhalation. good going.
  14. he's got a point that the fill is kind of all over the place, but torch doesn't have any room to talk either with those letters he's rocking. so your both wrong, and also right. me on the other hand im always right, even when im dead wrong. :cool: stunna shades. deal with it putos. perts you shit is dope as always. personally i'd lose some of the extensions, or maybe differentiate them be filling them in a different color than the letters or something, i think that would dope. like maybe like a pink and purple fill or something and then a light green for the extensions..idk i suck at fills anyways but thats kind of popping into my head when i see that.
  15. keyboard simples are for pussies. bite your letters from established writers like a real man. PUSSIES.
  16. NO DOUBT.kuthe was like all i saw when i rode the metro up there, dude kills it. how the fuck do you pronounces that shit? koothie? thats how ima say it anyways.
  17. i swallowed a roach.. no seriously, i just swallowed a fucking roach. pure disgust.
  18. damn.. im seriously fucked then haha. i would hate to ask a mod but there are a couple sketches i really need deleted.
  19. speaking of editing posts, can you premium members delete posts? i neeeed to knowwww.
  20. holy shit is that a gremlin? ????
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