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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. im not a fan of your handstyle but the piece itself is pretty dope. i especially like how you fazed out from orange to yellow. the only suggestion i have is try to bring the E out more next time.. it looks great as it is, but i think it would look better if the E had more room to breathe.. but thats because i hate my letters overlapping so im a little biased on that front. my fills are subpar like a motherfucker, respect to anyone who can pull off a decent one.
  2. EDIT: HOLY SHIT. this is my 1000th post.. i can now neg people with affect!!!! :D :D :D someone want to do an exchange with me? a 1000th post exchange?
  3. i don't care if this bitch has the arms of a 7/11 clerk or a taxi driver, that face is adorable. supersmash assuming she doesnt have any testicles.
  4. does it count if you're the one doing the slipping? false tpbm has smoked crack atleast once. i know someone here has..
  5. true. i like it when they have music on there, their programing sucks. tpbm has dyed there hair green/purple/red or some other crazy color atleast once in their life.
  6. ..romero..


    sim city 4. i know its old but i haven't played it in years and it's pretty addicting. got LA noire, it's whatever to me. i think the map is amazing, and it's overall pretty intriguing but im not a big fan of the questioning, which is the main part of the game. as ILOVEBOXCARS said, the choices of Lie Doubt and Truth are limited..i think if they went with something like what was in Indigo Prophecies as far as questioning or responses go it would have been more enoyable. the shooting and fighting were subpar at that and i was hoping it would be more like true crime, but the "calls" you preform outside of your cases are just replayed over and over again with the same outcomes. im waiting for the next gta to come out honestly.
  7. pesks works makes me feel like im trapped in the nineties :lol: good stuff though.
  8. i didnt know gay was that contagious :confused:
  9. thats a pretty ass table fool :cool: the letters are cool to.
  10. the last two suges have promise..practice those a bit...
  11. dear wind. your too loud, and im scared my rickety ass house can't hold up to your abuse..please kindly stop your fuckery. love, your friend ro.
  12. what if i don't have a printer? is their a number i can call?
  13. i'd go anal on all of these bitches.
  14. yes, i intend to file a butthurt complaint asap to the internet police, how do i go about this?
  15. ..romero..

    Head On!

    i tried to apply it indirectly to the forehead region but to no avail... what am i doing wrong here?
  16. i have a splinter in my finger, do you think it needs amputating? too late :|
  17. when he brings the lip of the Y all the way down it does kind of look like a D but for the most part its pretty obviously a y..
  18. roast beef.. it might have been old ham though.. i cant really tell.
  19. thanks 119. sayword gots it right though, the whole reason i added an E to the end of my name was because it gave it better flow.. it might be the same in your case as well.
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