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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. ..romero..


    im saving up my money so i can cop that YAKUZA4 and LA noire. LA noire looks like the shit.yakuza 3 was the bomb as well so i assume numero 4 is gonna be legit.
  2. dear flickr, fuck you for locking me out of my account.permantently.4000 plus pics.gone. no more freight flicks :( im raging over here right now.
  3. http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=syre%20graffiti&w=all
  4. KLOUT: some of the bars are unevenly sized.like the top bar of the K on the top one and the bottom leg on the K on the bottom one.it is too skinny in comparison with the rest of the letters.it looks funky.the top style shouldnt overlap at all.it doesnt look right when it does.and they should be standing on a even field some of the letters are higher than others. but just keep practicing dude.you'll get it eventually.
  5. gtfo.you think there are no other people writing siris? or cyrus? or syrus? bottom line most of you arent gonna be known outside of your cities and probably your state.most of you will be just mediocre writers who are moderately known.so who gives a fuck if he writes sore or whatever.the only time it really matters is if that person is IN your city.and if thats the case you have 3 options.battle him for the name,fold up and quit writing it.or co exist.the latter is almost never possible especially if there is a big gap in the writers skill level. write what ever the fuck you want,fuck anyone who disagrees with me. EDIT.i know this is kinda late.but whatever.i hear stupid shit like this alot on these forums.and its lame.none of you have very original names tbh.me included.but im the only one in my area so i could give a fuck.i know of 2 in cali and one in new york and it honestly doesnt bother me.
  6. you already know.homemade is the best(and i really mean cheapest)!
  7. the woods in my old town were filled with porn.and i mean that shit. probably 5 or 6 stashes in a patch of woods about a square mile in size.MAYBE.it was probably smaller.but the point is the woods are filled with porn.always have been. beleive it or not woodland creatures are pervs and sex addicts.thats why i was never allowed to play in them.my mom was scared i would be raped by a deer or something.it didnt happen though.all deer sex i had as a child was consentual...
  8. and yeah.those brandname inks and markes fuck you on the price analy....no vaseline.
  9. i assume this is directed at me because i see no one else rocking a youth sketch in here no,i dont write youth,my name is in the screen name,youth is for an exchange.i forgot to mention that...but yeah i know about youth.ive benched his work before..
  10. bump.switched up the stylo at the library..which looks better? im not sure i think i'll rock the last one..
  11. not finished.havent decided how i wanna color this shit.id ask for suggestions but you fucks seem to pass up my shit alot.whatevs. i'll figure shit out eventually.making up for all the bullshit posts i make haha.disregard the hands.thats just notes,its not sposed to be pretty also, 500th Post!
  12. edit.i didnt say anything gay in this post...i swear.
  13. ..romero..

    Head On!

    your lips apply directly to the foreskin.
  14. i spit on the floor. quick someone find me a picture of the dude from the deliverance!
  15. ..romero..

    Head On!

    apply directly to the forehead.
  16. i has spent very many time in within the house doors,it has very much bring sadness to my face.for which i apply head on.apply directly to the forehead.
  17. ..romero..

    Head On!

    просить, что я сделал на ты, и, как допрос мой коллега, нет. применение вышеупомянутых пункта, является обработка его, как это делается, и вы ?
  18. ..romero..

    Head On!

    i for to be asking similar question my friend and college.but for the answer i have not.how is to be applying these things work i might will ask of you???
  19. ..romero..

    Head On!

    sounds like a nice product,how do i apply this stuff?
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