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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. i remember when everyone on the block would huddle into this kids chrises room in our small ass apartments and playing the earthworm jim game on his sega.that and playing sonic the hedgehog which was the only game chris had,we stopped being friends after i stabbed him with a screw driver when he tried to break into my apartment.atleast i thought he was trying to break in... i lent street sharks and the movie casper to a neighbor and then that faggot moved.i'll never do that shit again...
  2. thanks.and i didnt think you could get a good enough view of my face from that pic.other than my race and the fact i wear glasses yyou wouldn be able to recognize me on the skreets. idk im still feelin like their kinda weak so im gonna keep practicing for a while...
  3. its serious fucking business dudeguy...
  4. im not gonna fight with you.you suck.and for someone who claims to have been sketching or painting for ten years you would think you would be better by now.hang it up.i never met anyone who doesnt know what a handstyle is.ever.your stuff is pretty similar imo,i can atleast see influences by them..i take back the biting shit the more i look at it.but that still doesnt change the fact that you spent 10 years accomplishing nothing when i have seen people who write for a year surpass you in style.no bullshit.again i apologise for the biting part....your still whack though. atleast i admit that im a novice..
  5. im probably exagerating a little bit but you have a very texas san antonio style goin on from the folks ive met from down there.really i think im just goin off on the ten years claim.stop playin.
  6. alright im callin bullshit.you been in the game 10 years and your writes are still that toy? and the fact that you posted in this thread not nowing the difference between a handstyle and a piece is a huge indicator that your still a toy my nig. your style looks more than influenced by people who are in the city your reppin.youve been in the game 10 years and you havent noticed these people up? bullshit. http://artcrimes.com/sanantonio/kaos_im.jpg http://artcrimes.com/sanantonio/galikaos11.jpg http://artcrimes.com/sanantonio/sa200312_code.jpg http://artcrimes.com/sanantonio/sa200312_codealien1.jpg http://artcrimes.com/sanantonio/sa200312_piece156.jpg someone tell me im not going crazy..because this cats style looks like a bad attempt at trying to copy code and kaos.idk.its very codesque.im probably just trippin because your tryng to tell me youve been in the game 10 years and i know your bullshittin.
  7. bump.any crits??? i feel like my handstyles are kinda weak...
  8. wrong thread.but your style kinda reminds me of code and silo style.just thhhhrowi that out there.you from texas aint ya? EDIT:checked your local and figured you were from SAtown.i think your really skirting the line of just being inspired and straight biting those niggas styles...mix it up a bit fool,because literally the first thing that popped into my mind was "jesus that looks alot like codes style" then again i see alot of texas cats rockin that shit...
  9. these are dope.fuck who doesnt like them.i would rock this shit if its under 50. that army is dope aswell even though it took 15 minutes for it to load on my ancient computer...
  10. also this.based on a dude working for the corsican mafia in prison.pretty dope.
  11. everyone should see this shit.not your typical kung fu movie you would expect from jet li.shits alot more grittier than most of his movies.lots of limbs getting cut off and necks getting sliced.shit is dope.same kinda dark filter they used on 300,infact its alot like 300 but way better imo.300 was kinda idk over the top and focused more on gore and slow motion klls and shit than actual story.the story in this is alot deeper in my opinion.nigga i just like jet li in general.dudes a bad ass actor.
  12. watching sarah palins alaska.i never really had an opinion on this chick until now.now i have decided i hate this woman...
  13. true,my allergies are going crazy lately tpbm knows someone who or has themselves eaten dog
  14. ..romero..


    whats this about? assassins creed brotherhood is hella fun.the kill streaks in that game are brutal as fuck especially with that dagger of brutus,that thing is some savage shit.he does this crazy shit where he shoves the blade through the targets neck into his jaw and swings his ass to the ground.im in love.
  15. ..romero..

    Yard Safety

    to give you an idea of where its lines are.i think ns runs conrail too...
  16. ..romero..

    Yard Safety

    NS is on the east coast.they deal in mainly the appalachian areas of the us.basicly everything west of missouri and they have some roots into canada.but its all over...
  17. ..romero..

    Yard Safety

    ns is red.i think.we dont get muc down here but i think ive seen a couple.but honestly the only people who know whats in them is the people sending them out or recieving them.when they move freights they call ahead with the identification numbers on the side and thats how the yards identify whats inside it or what company is using it and where its getting shipped to.theres no telling whats inside these things.and why should it matter?
  18. ..romero..

    Yard Safety

    i think thats how alfa passed.he was listening to tunes and got snuck up on.people need to recognize how sketchy shit can be especially in the bigger more active yards.you should know what your doing around freights before you even begin to paint one..my opinion.
  19. ..romero..

    Yard Safety

    not really.just depends on the company.some cars will be from the same company but different colors especially with coal cars but it doesnt have anything to do with what its carrying.its just what they decided to paint it.southern pacific is red,golden west is blue,csx is a darker blue and up is yellow.chicago north west is like a brown or faded everest green color mostly.and mopac is red also and has that nifty eagle thing goin on. just offf topic my grandfather worked for mopac and his first week on the job he saw a dude get caught behind two couplings and when they pulled the cars apart he ripped in half.like some m night shamalan's signs shit.where the bitch was pinned against the tree.just you know wanted to through that in thereeee.
  20. is it one of those giant mall pretzels you dip in pasta sauce? because i love those things...
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