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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. romerO!!!! gogogogogogogo. honestly i dont care if it ever gets done.im just gonna do all of the last 3 peoples names whether or not they want me too because i have shitall to do,.
  2. very sworn-esque but dope none the less.
  3. right click,saved hahah.dope stuff.
  4. thanks.i think i shoulda spent more time on it.i basically drew it out in like 5 minutes or something.thats my biggest problem,all my stuff i do i rush it.i dont think ive ever taken more than 20 minutes on a sketch ever... i used pen so its hard to go back and fix anything haha.
  5. crits? i havent really taken graff all too serious until now,and im realizing i suck hard considering,ive been writing for like 3 years almost and idk...i feel like i should be less...lame.haha.so any crits would be coool.
  6. yah.im not gonna write that shit i just wanted something to do while this snow storm anally rapes my state.
  7. i fucking suck.im gonna re do this and post in up too. harsh criticism is needed.rip it apart.
  8. ANY OF YOU FOOLS WANNA DO AN EXCHANGe???? im bored.it snowed.
  9. ..romero..


    i think its pretty dope.you could probably give cope a run for his money...keep it up puek
  10. yes...yes..rock1t sounds dope. unfortunately for you i must spread rep around before i can give it to you again HAHAHAHAHAHA.the ironyyyyyy.
  11. hey fools i need your help.i hit a wall with my name and im not coming up with new ideas,i need a word to draw,nothing ridiculous or anything but just a random word or something.id pick one myself but i feel like id just subconsviously pic a word that i know im good at and it wont do my any good. props given for whoever helps out.
  12. you gotta admit though.dudes got hands...bet this fool can throw up a nice little roll call.its to bad he bit those letters from revok though. someone should tell that fool revok this dude is bitin his style.i think i still have is myspace but i dont think he goes on anymore...any got his twitter or his facebook acount? we oculd probably try that.
  13. got a rash on my face and dick.shit is wicked lame. last time i take a bath in a truck stop bathroom.
  14. all you kung fu officianados need to see this shit.today.shit had my yellin at the tv like MURDER THOSE JAP BASTARDS and shit.and i dont even feel like that towards japanese people usually.word. donnie yen is showin of his jeet kune do skills in this one.shit is dope.5/5 im definitely watchin this again.and i rarely watch movies twice.
  15. what is the last gun?looks crazy. nice collection btw.
  16. i dont understand how you dont uderstand my arguement.i thought i stated it clearly enough...it just seems overly dramatic.for instance.the last time i saw the show it was of the black detective standing on tp of a squad car giving this mad emotional and long ass speech about how he wanted all the drug dealers to show their self and come out peacefully or he was gonna come back later and brutalize them.it was just mad corny imo.who does that? shit is just over the top. i know shit isnt gonna be 100% realistic.but it should atleast be more exciting.it wasnt.out of 5 or 6 episodes i saw i watched maybe 20 minutes worth of actual fighting,shooting,sex,whatever.thats what i expect from a show about drug dealers.this shit is just boring.half the time its guys sitting in a car watching drug dealers stand around.or listening to tapes. like i said,i thought it was gonna be like belly or shottas.both films i enjoyed.this is just too slow and corny imo. but again i dont really wanna fight with none of you.its just my preference.ill watch the episodes on tonight to see if i can get why you guys like it so much.maybe i will gain more of an appreciation for it but idk.
  17. its too dramaticized for me.thats all. could you please give some more details on the cases and the people who were involved with them? like i said though whatever your into.i watch cspan alot.most of you wouldnt be into that but i am.its all personal taste in the end.
  18. if you want to watch something about the streetlife,watch the first 48.it gives you a real inside look at how dumb and unglamorous real drug dealers are... i would also like to point out that this thread reminds me strongly of this.. http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/03/09/85-the-wire/ take this how you want to. this show is just to overdramatic.i was hoping that is was gonna be like belly or shottas,but it wasnt and i was deeply disappointed. needs less drama,more mindless violence and naked bitches.
  19. breakout.national geographic channel. some of the things these inmates do to escape is awe inspiring.some dude by removing the cinderblocks in his cell and tunneling out of a jail.he was able to hide his digging by filling up the cracks with plaster he made with toothpaste,talcum powder and jolly rachers.he was able to use the coloring from the jolly ranchers to match the paint of the walls that no one noticed even after months of working at the wall. much more entertaining.but again,whatever your into.
  20. you're all entitled to your opinion but for me,the only thing more painful to watch on tv is oz. these shows are wicked lame.their trying to make a soap opera outta some shit that just isnt.. both shows=mad corny but i know none of you care about my opinion so tits shall be posterfied.
  21. this movie was the shit.love... fearless was pretty dope i thought.i love jet li movies in general though...
  22. :lol: :lol: :lol: hilarious,because that style is west coast for sure.still dope though,respect.
  23. i remember playing hunter hunted on my grandmas computer when i was young,i think that was early 2000's though haha but hunter hunted came out in the 90's i think...so it sorta counts.
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