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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. for the rebon battle.not finished and i had to tape on an extra page because the n was fallin off the edge and i didnt want to mess up my table...i think its obvious i have been trying very hard to keep my table clean from any marks or scratches lol.
  2. it wasnt supposed to sound like that,i honestly dont remember but i think they were pretty good and i wanted to see if they were getting down because id like to battle someone who is better than me to see where my skills were at,it wasnt supposed to be disrespectful,and i wasnt talking to you to begin with so i dont understand why you got so mad. both those styles are mine,you act as if i cant have two styles that differentiate from eachother.if you dont believe me hit up some cats who know me from back on BS and from when i first started posting here.i stopped sketching a while back and started up not long ago. im not gonna fight with you anymore,we'll see when that battle gets done
  3. i wasnt on a high horse,only thing i said was to practice,which is what everyone needs to do,and then asked who was going to battle..that was it.i dont see how you equate that to me being conceited.i dont think i ever said i was better than any of you up to the point that eli tried to call me out for having no style and yet his shit is just as weak..
  4. do the REBON battle and we'll see.your a faggot who takes shit personally when NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU.keep getting your panties in a bunch over some comment that wasnt directed at you nor was it meant to be offensive.get over yourself.
  5. word? lets compare... like i said im not the best.im not even going to say shit.i will let the other people decide who is better between us.like i said i wasnt trying to diss you or anyone else.if you cant accept that i could really give a fuck.
  6. i never said i was the shit so you can both quit trippin.i just wanted to know if they were down or not.because id like to battle them,personally.i know those cats have skills and want to see whats up.thats all.i wasnt downing any of you cats.so you can both chill the fuck out. sketches,both are old.hate on them if you want.
  7. BTW,when is this REBON battle over with and who is participating. im debating whether or not to join,is freak or redeye going to do it? i think i remember them being halfway decent and if so i'll get down otherwise idk..or massgraff.one of you fucks needs to get in on this battle..if you have the time,i cant remember what you guys work looks like/
  8. these last few posts have been a let down,even for the toy thread..you guys need practice,practice and practice and practice or you'll end up like me,ive been drawing for years and i suck.because i DO NOT PRACTICE EVERY DAY LIKE I SHOULD..seriously need to get into my old habits.you should all be drawing atleast 2 to 3 hours a day,atleast half of which should be spent on graffiti if you want to get some where.or all of it.whatever your into.i promise if you push yourself you will get better,and with that im off to sketch,and by sketch i mean play video games...
  9. yeah hell.whens the next goin down?
  10. you underestimate my desperation cry... smash.bag that bitch up...
  11. yeah,resize the pic so we cant see how hideous she is lol. but nah,maybe.something tells me that from another angle she looks straight up like shrek.
  13. fuck outta here with that bullshit..
  14. now see if he brought a rockey launcher with him instead i could have really gotten into that scene...
  15. i know what your saying,"why dont you just play gta then" because my thumbs get tired and i need the free hand to masturbate with... duuuh.
  16. FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES WITH ME.:lol: havent these people been paying attention to hollywood? you cant have a show about gangsters and drug dealers without mindless violence and sex.it cannot be done.how am i,with my severely limited attention span,supposed to enjoy an hour long soap opera without any huge explosions and shit? thats basically what it is...an hour long soap opera,for people who listen to the rap music.. negs will come,i am sure of it.but its whatever...you guys enjoy your show,your into what your into.call me when they start shooting people down like in gta,and i'll come watch with you guys.. YES,i am saying i want it to be more like gta.i dont care if its unrealistic.gta is fun,none of you can deny that.that level of violence in a show would MORE than make up for any amount of lack of story telling or dialogue..
  18. almost stabbed myself in the leg while practicing knife moves... thats right.im straight commando fool.
  19. this lil nigga came out lookin like biggy...
  20. you seriously deserve props for this.unfortunately i am unable to deliver atm. i'll get ya though...
  21. i just wanna spread my wings and fly away....
  22. Never Engage Stupid Women dudes.
  23. you must be might desperate partner. i know i'll probably get negs for this.but something about her screams "herpes"
  24. YOKAI:clean lines and fills.not feelin the structure of the letters themselves but its definitely a plus that you have your lines down lookin crisp...kkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppp it up.
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