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Lewis and Clark

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Everything posted by Lewis and Clark

  1. at work, not working, order lunch/ burnturn/ come back to work soon
  2. gotta hit them with the crazy eye.
  3. got some of the newest shit right here dogggg^^
  4. smash! homie saw it, said it was good. dont really care.. from the trailer i saw there seemed to be just like you say, a bunch of old footy found in other videos around the net..
  5. i did make out with a lesbian last weekend. but no gays in this familia
  6. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... being 'to drunk' at bars - smokin a cig. the other weekend, went outside, bouncer wouldnt let me back in.. saying i have had to much... which was not true.
  7. Bump this thread. RINPA (japanese people?) this is about one of the first very very impressive live painting, time lapse videos out there.. uploaded in 06' (or ones i saw back in the day) http://rinpaeshidan.jp/ http://www.youtube.com/user/RinpaEshidan
  8. we dont ask this question. hows the job swamper, any good stories?
  9. bump this today. to point and not really for or against. just facts. its a well made doc.
  10. Good luck homie! best wishes to the misses
  11. ... this is not junk in your trunk thread. but this is rape thread!
  12. rolled on? whats the story, any pic of finished piece/ char?
  13. i'd like to see video of this see what the people look from different angles and not just in photo, cool idea thou
  14. you made a thread and your car didnt even burn up?! wtf man
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