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Lewis and Clark

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Everything posted by Lewis and Clark

  1. Bump this thread. RINPA (japanese people?) this is about one of the first very very impressive live painting, time lapse videos out there.. uploaded in 06' (or ones i saw back in the day) http://rinpaeshidan.jp/ http://www.youtube.com/user/RinpaEshidan
  2. we dont ask this question. hows the job swamper, any good stories?
  3. bump this today. to point and not really for or against. just facts. its a well made doc.
  4. Good luck homie! best wishes to the misses
  5. ... this is not junk in your trunk thread. but this is rape thread!
  6. rolled on? whats the story, any pic of finished piece/ char?
  7. i'd like to see video of this see what the people look from different angles and not just in photo, cool idea thou
  8. you made a thread and your car didnt even burn up?! wtf man
  9. yeah they be lovin him over there lately, usually alot of euro stuff
  10. oh if you didnt click the link, this is what my ass looked like! this may also look like your mom got stabbed above her hairy boobs.
  11. Your world of text does not work well with Internet Explorer
  12. i was thinking the exact same thing. then thought. if you think you should post it to 12o. its already posted on 12o. for all threads that deserve a dupli. this is a pretty good one? see on the corpse shit, they clamin the dude was alive ?
  13. NJ man purposely vomited on Phillies fans PHILADELPHIA – A New Jersey man was jailed after he intentionally vomited on an off-duty police captain and his 11-year-old daughter in the stands during a Phillies game, police said. Matthew Clemmens, 21, of Cherry Hill, N.J., was charged with assault, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct and related offenses for the incident at Wednesday night's Phillies-Nationals game. He was being held Friday on $36,000 bail. Clemmens made himself vomit on an off-duty police captain and his daughter after a companion of Clemmens' was kicked out for unruly behavior, police said. Clemmens retaliated by vomiting on Michael Vangelo, an off-duty Easton police captain, and his daughter, Philadelphia police spokesman Lt. Frank Vanore said. "It was the most vile, disgusting thing I've ever seen," Vangelo said Friday. "He has two fingers down his throat, he lunges forward and vomits on myself and my 11-year-old." Vangelo said he tried to push his children safely behind him, and Clemmens punched him in the face. Four or five fans in the next section rushed to help, Vangelo said. They held him until police arrived — someone punching Clemmens in the face as he tried to break free — and an officer was also hit with vomit, Vanore said.
  14. got to work. going to be 12oz'n for the next 8 hours. with a chance of customers.
  15. this shit is fucked up! wheres everyone chillin - http://yourworldoftext.com/12oz
  16. I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot . . . and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. jordan
  17. tried to get a p/t job at a strip club(courtesy patrol akabounce shit)... they didnt call me back but ive been in there all the time! whats the issue?!
  18. in russia the computers hack you? * malware bytes, combo fix work for me
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