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Lewis and Clark

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Everything posted by Lewis and Clark

  1. just dont give him herion and you should be all set. i would say chance should be given, you could atleast get some cool jail stories out of it to share with us
  2. aand how in hell is this mirco? they come out the same size
  3. smores with reeses... what the fuck have i been doing my whole life
  4. cosign on weapons and drugs. they will for sure make your time in nature great
  5. THE TRUTH! bigdork.arkady.borndead bump - link roofer and that - crone halfwallin in that post heads postin advice, thankyou rich ya guna burn that place down with your fire.
  6. Re: Maine Funk ive been lerkin thru the oldies. holy fucking rail flicks. and this gem!
  7. at work, not working, order lunch/ burnturn/ come back to work soon
  8. gotta hit them with the crazy eye.
  9. got some of the newest shit right here dogggg^^
  10. smash! homie saw it, said it was good. dont really care.. from the trailer i saw there seemed to be just like you say, a bunch of old footy found in other videos around the net..
  11. i did make out with a lesbian last weekend. but no gays in this familia
  12. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... being 'to drunk' at bars - smokin a cig. the other weekend, went outside, bouncer wouldnt let me back in.. saying i have had to much... which was not true.
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