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Lewis and Clark

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Everything posted by Lewis and Clark

  1. some new videos for you all. trying to catch atleast 3 a week. http://www.youtube.com/user/ltjdangler#p/a/u/0/2jLhNkB-MSM
  2. thats a e2e not a wholecar ps lovin the floaters
  3. r - i combo kinda hot! no running man!?
  4. i duno a nice paser really gets me hyped even though i cant read that shit. - I'm half and half on it, when you know a writers style you dont need to be able to read it, you'll just say oh thats so and so.. but i would say a nice easy to read piece speaks to the masses
  5. not to much that we already dont know here. dont post info you dont want people to find online. links: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/social_network/20100303__crim_socialnetworking.pdf ^^ government files from Freedom of Information act. this is pretty dull but does give instruction to a breakdown of the tactics they use and the sites they watch from link: FACEBOOK: often cooperates with emergency requests. MYSPACE: Requires warrant for private messages/bulletins less than 181 days old. article: Break the law? and your new 'friend' maybe the FBI. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100316/ap_on_hi_te/us_feds_on_facebook sketchy shit, stay safe!
  6. the guy 1. made that wall look night n day diff with the freshness 2. is like well im to good, might as well just do two pieces prints are fresh too, next level!
  7. got a 2way and the freq's to know when they are coming now.. so as you see this is being filmed in the woods not out a window, so its not AUTO someone is there with the cameras.. but its a first step and super nice to see everything thats going on out there. next will be finding the computer prog for it
  8. not letting this thread die. 2 benching vids
  9. nice bench, bump the jurnes(3), BT throw?, what the fuck is that pink floyd album cover looking thing on the tank @ 2:33. and speeding the vid up helped alot, cant wait to see what you shoot this summer
  10. the fisheye is takin in so much light - sunlight maybe a problem on one side depending on when its filmed cool idea and finished product
  11. one of my homies starting the project. -ya lose the fisheye and 2. find a train with less tanks/more graff
  12. RE RE RE RE RE people pay cash for murals like that..
  13. Those are awesome. train vs loader, thats so crazy the dude almost had it moved too... I'm glad everyone found these goodies! ps. trains rock
  14. tight car major! i wish they had more colorschemes like that out running. the sharp jurne there, i believe has a all star local lineup on the other side... or last time i checked it did
  15. Well a while ago the train vs tornado video was posted, i figured the train almost had it so i started searching train vs... and came up with tons of crazy videos, feel free to post anything you find here. train vs moose - train vs cow - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrO8AFGi_rc " ohhh you dumb fucker" now i will say none of these are that gross but animals are for sure dead. train vs flood - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzGwUhIXLDk train vs semi truck - why are train conductors always filming this shit?
  16. bumpin this shit like - dark skinned white girls
  17. not sure if ive seen these here stolen*
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