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Everything posted by FruityLexia.

  1. Late as hell, but happy birthday lady girl.
  2. Is there a link to this tiny chat shitter?
  3. Wake up. 6 30 am. Coffee, piss and shit. train or bike to work. Train now becasue it's wet. Work 8 - 4 Eat at least 4 meals in between that time. Train home, Internet, paint, shop or go to pub. Cook dinner or get housemate to cook dinner. movie. Sleep.
  4. true, my balls are pretty massive. tbpm is broke as hell.
  5. I shot a fire work at a bus once, but it didnt really have anything to do with this.
  6. Im actually angry i wasted my time looking at this thread.
  7. Re: filipinos of the oontz, tell me what's good in manila They sound all good, but whne you wake up with mold and god knows what on your dick youre gonna think diffrent.
  8. That screen is too small for me to watch porn on. sorry,
  9. Holly crap a burger cake. If i could stomach food right now i would be all over that.
  10. Sounds like the only time this dude squats is when his chucking a piss.
  11. False. I drank myself retarded last night so im gonna give old boy a break and just drink myself stupid. tpbm has pee'd out blood before.
  12. I woke up and realised iwas just not ready for the day just yet. That was hours ago and im still not up. Hangover 9000.
  13. I just turned on the news and...
  14. One of the best bands of the last few decades. My dad saw them a while back told me it was one of the best shows he has ever seen and dude has seen a lot of live music.
  15. Somtimes i close my eyes and pretend im hearing my parents having sex again like when i was alittle kid.
  16. Omega man doing his thing. Ghost. End of the night. hollllllllla,
  17. Finished work and headed into town. Mett up with some people in town, they had a bin full of sangria, so i drank out of it. Went to see an origin gam, some kid pissed his pants???? Chucking up rude fingazzzz. Haded to a GHOST face killer show, chers to richard pryor.,
  18. Sorry to hear that chops, i hope your frind gets as much sight as possible in the time he has. Dud needs to see his families faces as much as possibl and as many pairs of tittys he can jam his retinas up to. Good luck to him.
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