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Everything posted by FruityLexia.

  1. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo It's taken time magazine this long to have you on the cover?
  2. Abitlity to cook awesome food from various countries. Good taste in music. Able to put up with bullshit but not to much bull shit so you know when your out of line. Not to clingy constantly. Drinks beer. Sexual, but not in a whorish way. Actually maybe whorish is good at times. Beautiful, but she doesnt use it for her advantage. Pretty much the girl i am with at the moment.
  3. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo You have the face of an angel and the typing hands of a god.
  4. That is not what shoppers were excpecting to see while they waited in line for there double macchiato with soy.
  5. Fucking top thread. I have mixed feelings on his music, i have all his albums (thank god for the intawebs) some i love, and the music of his that i do like i listen to heaps but alot i dislike, later albums mostly and they kind of piss me off.
  6. When your pissing at a urinal, you pull you pants/boxers down to your ankles.
  7. We dont have them here. may have to get some freeze shipped over.
  8. Holly fuck, i need to try one of those. Im guessing they taste like ice cream sandwiches only 1000x better
  9. Some graff and dance, there was so much i could have taken photos of but i just havent taken my camera out at all. the end
  10. I have officialy moved over to the other side of my country. Heres a few photos i have snaped so far although i have been to busy working/ catching up with old friends to really do that much camera shit. Wiating for take off. Showing off my shaving cut. In the subway.
  11. I got chased home by a group of these last night.
  12. I wish i hadnt taken ecstacy before that job interview.
  13. I have been waking up in the middle of the night, with these intense calf cramps, it's not every night but it hads happend a few times in the last month. Also i have gotten these small cramps in the side of my thigh when im doing sex, it' does not hurt much but i gotta stop for a second while which pisses my girl off. Think i have to drink more water.
  14. earl, i have piked up on this aswell. Sex has become an everyday thing for young teens, when i was 14/15 sex was a dream, no girls would give it up like that. Now i hear stories from friends younger brothers talking about all these teeny boper sex that goes on. Im not gonna say the internet is the only reason this is happening alot of social views, media etc has changed alot, but it is a huge factor. I wonder what it's gonna be like in another 5 years when im hopefully raising something. My sons gonna rock alot of pussies if things continue like this. It was funny to read about the whol finding porn thing, i found my first porn mag under my uncles bed when i was about 11, i stole it and kept it for like 3 years.
  15. Okay might aswell. Woke up. Last night was good. Some photocopies for my magazine (work in progress) Caught the treain. Boring crap. Fucking about. Swineflu's disgusting ass foot. Goodnight. im flying around the country tommorow so photos galore.
  16. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo I would leave things at your house on purpose just so i could go back and see you again.
  17. Im a spurs fan, so fuck all of you.
  18. Swineflu and Marco. Bojangles GlikO Random Hero. Theo.
  19. this thread has restored my faith in the internet.
  20. Couldnt see the latest one of these so i thought i should bump this. Sorry for bumping the old g's.
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