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Everything posted by FruityLexia.

  1. But how can I as just one person scare these illuminati people you speak of?
  2. Doing acid, and not being able to sleep in the morning. But you know what sucks even worse, doing acid, and not being able to sleep in the morning and needing to shit every 10 fucking minutes.
  3. I would prefer to die of a heroin overdose in a dumpster than to wear that kanye west inspired gaynees.
  4. Larry david and the hipsters.
  5. Are they porongraphy books?
  6. I was at work yesterday, about half way through my shift as per usual i was questioning who in the world i would pay to kill my boss. Then i got thinking wwho would be in my own personal kill team, to go out and do my bidding, take out my enemies. Of course in reality i would never pay anyone to kill my boss i would do that shit myself with a piano string but any way heres my list, i wanna see what you people can come up with for your own. 3 people or things from anywhere in the universe. Freddy, he cold get into your dreams and kill you there. Those 2 raptors from jurassic park. And Paulie, just so i could laugh at his voice.
  7. happy birthday baby girl, i'll be around to give you your gift soon.
  8. I dont know, i have never seen one but i can picture there being at least one titty.
  9. How can people even attempt to watch films like these, i can understand a 13 year old would find it pretty cool with all the cars and girls. But damn a grown man, i would prefer to be shot.
  10. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo I would definetly go through your mail if i was your mail man.
  11. I appreciate bosoms of that shape and size.
  12. Bump the jesus and mary chain. Saw them last year, dudes killed it.
  13. I think im gonna go with spitfire here and shit in there korans. Mo muslims Mo problems.
  14. Fans rule untill something goes wrong and you have an annoying buzzing all night.
  15. I can picture swindle looking like Spicolli.
  16. Gangers Slurrys Tree holes. Cum buckets. Skit.
  17. I have blacked out during sex, it's always real awkward in the morning.
  18. My wifey is cooking hundreds of pies in preperation for meeting me.
  19. Re: Whats in YOUR wallet? Some shrapnel. I.d and other various crads. A rubber. Few stickers. And a 20 dollar note. Plus a dead hooker.
  20. I would have billy ray changing his lyrics to "dont break her hymen, her achey breaky hymen".:D
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