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Posts posted by Swindle

  1. on the subject of social media i'll say this, i was pretty active on IG on both a graff account and personal account. it sucked so much of my life, theres something so fucking stale and retarded about doing a piece then posting it to social media. you slowly find yourself slipping into that level of washed where you're painting for the photo then timing it so it gets the most amount of exposure. then that mentality bleeds over into your personal life.


    the gradualness of it all is really scary, i ended up dropping off the digital map and you know what? as cliche as it sounds i got happier. the constant overloading of information was obviously taking a subtle toll on me year after year. i much prefer coming to the internet when i want something instead of using it to kill time. now if a friend says something of mine was flicked its kind of a nice silly feeling instead of "yeah i know".


    I had a handful of 12oz people on either account. i would talk to SKI MASK BORIS semi frequently.



    also kind of crazy mero got a fucking tv show

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  2. 10-08 on the Australian calendar, mate.


    you list 2010 before 2008? :\




    i met this canadian dude who said he knew COS and that years ago COS beat up his friend in an alleyway. cool starry bra i no

  3. lots flicks could be posted but i like this one, the picture doesnt show it but this spot was so sick, a massive billboard on top of some high rise in south melbourne. he was known for bombing but this was a really cool piece, that i personally really liked.10338260_292135250967660_75912652778616034_n.jpg.a7a9abfd8cf29db7e4e0a43c30996a28.jpg



  4. its more than just a little bit easier. its too easy.


    i think its because people can just whip it out and check it on their phone wherever as opposed to coming to a certain website.


    dont know any instagram having any kind of passive or non-passive income for people but who knows

  5. not russian but ive banged and been with a few eastern europeans, bosnians, slovaks, from all different social circles and they all have one thing in common, they tend to get a little aggressive and crazy but not in a psycho way. not always...

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