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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. This isn't true, you'd need more than their just wallet address to know anything other than the transaction you've sent to that address yourself, which you would have to know already as the sender, or receiver. This is why they can give you a Monero address to send a ransom to safely. You'll only know the transaction you already knew of on your end. The IRS bounty for anyone able to crack Monero was upped to $650,000.00 back in September of 2020 and still exists.
  2. I don't own any, and I wouldn't recommend it (as an investment) to anyone for a few reasons. First, I should preface this by saying I'm sort of a maximalist having been in the game through more than one bull run. So full disclosure, there's a very good chance the next "big thing" will fly under my radar. Most of my early profits come from the ICO era in 2017 & 2018, from timing two shitcoins that sounded like they were far superior to existing chains like BTC/ETH (IOTA/EOS) but clearly were not. Like all shitcoins, my philosophy for the last 5 years has been hopping in, using them for their intended purpose, or short term profits, and then hopping back out. My strategy these days is focused on the longer term. With all that said, here's my reasoning why Pirate chain isn't something I'd endorse. First reason, is hash rate. They don't have enough of it to be a safe chain IMO to operate. Chains with a much higher hash rate are being 51% attacked regularly. As a workaround to this vulnerability, they employ piggybacking their own delayed consensus using other chains, but that workaround comes with it's own flaws. Developers for the off chain consensus can shut down their piggy backing, and stop their chain from even being operational if they chose to. There's no reliable workaround for security. You either need the highest hash for your particular POS algorithm, or a proof of stake method of consensus. Anything else presents at best a "slight" vulnerability that will, for sure, eventually be exploited once there's enough value at stake to exploit. Monero is king of privacy, period. They're employment of ring signatures has proven to be solid. That's not to say zero knowledge proofs aren't awesome, because they're very useful. They'd be uncrackable (in theory) if they were mandatory for every transaction, or the vast majority of transactions on a given chain. Thing is, they'll never exceed Monero's privacy because they'll never has as many participants on their chain as Monero, who's had bounties on cracking their privacy for years from the IRC/SEC and still has never been cracked. To be honest, my main reason for not liking Pirate Chain isn't technical at all. They're using the failed tactics of other shitcoin, rug pull projects. Namely, they spend a lot of money to get crypto, and crypto adjacent youtubers/podcasters to promote ARRR. This didn't work for Dash, and other shitcoin projects in the past that used treasury funds for marketing, and it for sure won't work now. In short, if their tech was revolutionary enough to actually matter, they wouldn't have to pay people to talk about it. I don't think this makes them any more shady, per-say. I just don't think there will ever be enough marketing funds to drive adoption to make their chain viable unless it's 100% a ponzi YOLO on their part. There are just too many other other zero knowledge proof chains, and privacy coins have such a huge head start in adoption. It's hard to look at their chart and not smell shit, Look at that huge unnatural pump in March. This unnatural pump just so happened to coincided with their big marketing push as if it were all planned to get them on the map. I'm no Nostradamus, but I've seen enough charts to know with certainty what direction this chain is going moving forward, especially if/when we hit a bear market. I don't think they'll ever make it into the top 200, let alone top 50 where Monero has been since long before ARRR even existed. The future of cryptocurrency privacy is going to be wrapped Bitcoin, and ZK rollups on ETH. I don't even recommend solid projects like Monero anymore for long, or short term investment. To me privacy coins are for two purposes, either for hop in and use it for dark-web purchases, or receive it, and hop back out as soon as possible. I keep an up to date Monero wallet just in case for this very reason, which I highly recommend, but haven't actually used it since 2018.
  3. They invented the Neutron Bomb (also 1950's/60's tech) just for the purpose. Little to no blast damage, and since it releases neutrons the area can be occupied by the attacker almost immediately after detonation. The radiation dissipates very rapidly, but all life within the neutron "blast" radius is terminated, leaving all physical assets within the blast radius fully in tact. Kinetic bombardment basically requires object that won't burn up in the atmosphere, and with a large enough mass to transfer enough energy into the surface. The only real use for this that would make it a viable weapon would be a covert operation. Like dropping an Asteroid on an enemy city and pretending it was an act of god/nature. Regular nuke's, including Neutron bombs are much easier to deliver and economically more viable. Launching an object large enough to use, or more likely capturing large enough objects, or groups of objects in space to guide to target would be too costly to make any sense.
  4. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    There's a chant at sporting events, usually at baseball games where people say "Let's go __________" (usually a two syllable team name, or player's name) followed by five claps, and repeat. People have repurposed this chant to say "Fuck Joe Biden!, clap clap, clap clap clap". So there was a Nascarr event, and the drunken Trumper's there were doing the "Fuck Joe Biden" chant after a driver named Brandon won the race, and was being interviewed. The reporter interviewing him said "you can hear the chants from the crowd, "let's go Brandon"" as the audio would clearly be unusable if people knew what the chant was. Problem is, they were chanting so loud, the audio is clear, and so her improvisation became a meme. In the time before Obama, and the birtherism movement that defined the politics new right wing, this type of shit would have never flown. The same people chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" would be offended by the lack of patriotism, and use of foul language because "kids and women were present". These days, as a response to the left's lack of morals/respect, they've intentionally degenerated far below their own supposed morals. Not that I disagree with them, because fuck all politicians, especially Biden, but I find it hilarious. I want that Nascar logo shirt that says "Let's go Brandon" for myself. The end of the empire is very close, I just want to keep a few memento's of it, and to enjoy the societal degeneration while it lasts.
  5. My ex changed the Netflix password, had to watch the Nigerian knock off.
  6. I'm back on 12oz for the same reasons basically, didn't get booted (yet) but I hate FB & IG.
  7. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    Watch the first video on top.
  8. This is what happens when you come up short on the space flight ticket.
  9. Inaccurate, and I've found the footage to prove it. They do have a highly maneuverable low altitude hypersonic glider that can fly low enough to avoid detection.
  10. Dope photo thread @SchnitzelReminds me of the good old days of Channel Zero.
  11. America stockpiled "hypersonic" weapons also known as ICBM's that could launch nukes so fast they "circled the globe" AKA into orbit, during the 1950's and 1960's. All ICBM's are hypersonic in nature as those speeds are needed to escape earths atmosphere, and gravity. Basically these guys are 70 years late to the party, but Financial Times is riding that CCP propoganda hype train.
  12. This could be dangerous considering how silent one of these could be pulling into the yard. On the other hand, probably safer to hop a freight and go through a long tunnel since you won't be huffing diesel exhaust.
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