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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Probably just me, but the only dreams worth discussing, or really even thinking about are the ones you can take action on, and fulfill. Even then, I'd rather just see the end results than discuss them.
  2. Went in for my yearly physical/blood work and my doctor was pushing the flu vaccine which I've never taken in my life. I'm in my 40's now, and only had the flu twice. Took me turning it down 3 times before he gave up. Did get a tetanus/diphtheria/whooping cough vaccine, just because my childish ass still fucks around, so I still get snagged on barbed wire, and stabbed with sharp objects fairly often. Turns out whooping cough is a thing here also. Apparently Boulder, CO (go figure, ultra progressive) has a big anti vaxx community that was anti vaxx before this Covid-19 shit. So whooping cough is making it's rounds here pretty hardbody like it's 1921. Went home and did some research, looks like the flu shot isn't as effective as a Covid vaccine like Moderna at making Covid mild, but it's somewhat helpful. Think you're 40% less likely to even contract Covid, or be hospitalized with the flu shot. So it might be a good look for me in November, since I'm going to as many live shows as I can from here on out. On a side note, I wasn't so much of a pussy about getting a needle in my arm this time since there were two dudes in the room, my doctor, and the dude taking blood/giving shots. Apparently I'm more comfortable with my vaginal tendencies when I'm in a room full of women, and "man up" better around other dudes which I thought was hilarious in hindsight. Just flexing my fake non-fear, actually made me less fearful. Next time I'll just imagine it's a dude poking me /prohomo™
  3. @Mercerthinking he's been wronged, then reading @fat ralphyhas taken 75 Covid tests
  4. Yea, should be confined to snitching on the government, instead of snitching to the government.
  5. My fucking nostrils would probably be scabbed shut after all of that. I've never once done a test, out of fear it would damage my shit. Glad you can still train though,. Haven't done shit myself since Feb 2020 and it shows.
  6. Yea, I'm complaining but it could be worse. My Montreal homies got it real bad, and when people visit here from NYC they look shell shocked like "Are you sure I won't need a mask?" Bluebird is a dope venue for sure. Might be a smaller city but the people here do know how to enjoy a good show. Wifey hasn't been to the bluebird yet so I'm probably going to surprise her with tickets to something she likes pretty soon. You should come through, we're out here 4 wheeling like high functioning graffiti hillbillies in side by sides now, snow season is just around the corner.
  7. After getting a double shot of Moderna I stopped giving a fuck about the Rona 100%. Might still get it, but wasn't in an at risk group to begin with, and no at risk people in my house so zero fucks. Not a mask in sight for a few months in Colorado, outside of having to wear one once at the apple store. Now most retail employees are back to wearing them, and I see a few people in stores, or on the street here wearing them occasionally. That said, I've been to tons of dive/high end restaurants this summer, a few bars and small shows, a huge convention, and two huge concerts so far this year. Live music for me is like how church is for old people. I literally need live music, somewhat regularly to function properly as a human being. Saw Wu-Tang's first show since this shit all started where the Colorado symphony orchestra provided the beats live, and scored the music to return to the 36th chamber, and Modest Mouse who (fucking killed it) both at Red Rocks Amphitheater (best venue on earth) brought me back down to earth. No masks, no vaxx passports, nothing. Colorado is pretty healthy to begin with (skinniest state), and we don't have problems like full ICU's, or large numbers of people dying here. Can't imagine what life would be like if I didn't leave NYC right on time. Anyway, the point is I went to a block party type deal a couple of weeks ago, one of the homies was painting there in front of the crowd as a performance art meets graffiti type deal, so I was really looking forward to it just to show support. It was a free event, but when I got there, there was security, and these politically motivated cunts with them requiring you show them proof of vaccination, and blocking people from entering the block. I don't carry around my card, but there's a super invasive tracking app the state provides for this, but I don't want to infect my phone with malicious tracking software. My wife has the app already, and somehow looked up a photo of both of our cards after we got the 1st shot to also show them. The smug bitch we showed this to was like "No, I need proof of both shots" like I just got one shot months ago to sneak into a free show or some shit. I told wifey "You know what, fuck this racist shit, let's just go". The Nazi bitch was shocked, and embarrassed in front of her group. Since then my attitude hasn't changed, I'm literally on some "fuck this Nazi shit" now, forever. You require "zie papers" for me to enter, I'm not fucking going. It's that simple. This shit isn't about safety, it's about these sadists (The same type that get an orgasm from canceling you) getting off on having even more power over other people now. This was literally an outdoor event, on public streets, and these assholes surrounded the entire place just to exclude everyone without an invasive app on their phone for no good reason at all. I'm really tired of this shit, love living in/near a big city, if for anything just for the shows, but these ultra conformist government snitch types are trying their worst to ruin it for me.
  8. They're back up now. Oddly enough, after the whistleblowers shenanigans, the timelines are also back to chronological now (go figure) so they won't hide your posts from your followers, and you can see the posts of people you follow again in order. Sike!
  9. @~KRYLON2~I've had about 2 or 3 dozen of those cut nails (Good steel as opposed to iron) for about 20 years now. Needed them for a specific project once, but never got rid of them since considering how much they cost me at the time. Had no idea they were superior for not splitting wood like that when I used them, I just needed them for "historical accuracy" on a gig. One cool thing he didn't mention is how they're 10x tougher than your average nail. If you don't have a powder actuated nail gun, you can just use a cut nail to manually hammer a frame, or piece of wood into concrete no problem.
  10. @misteravenfinally pulled it off.
  11. New York Times: Facebook and all of its apps go down simultaneously.
  12. Whole bunch of people going into like withdrawal right about now globally. If you see these addicts showing up in here, throw them some likes. Their very life may depend on it.
  13. Thats funny because the week after Obama was elected, I dreamt my brown cock hung to the ground, and I used it to "protect" these retarded ass white bitches on twitter.
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