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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Demi Lovato has a bad case of man ass. Did a search just to see who TF that was, noticed she might be a little thicc so kept scrolling for that booty shot. Son, I was disappoint.
  2. Favorite build of all time: "Outlaw" by Clayton Hollingsworth, dude stays on the podiums with that beast.
  3. Classical music is just rhythmless meditation sounds for super sexually repressed 18th century and back Europeans. Died off into obscurity the second America started sending our unrepressed Big PP style music back.
  4. I joined Local Union #3 (supposedly one of the best/most powerful) in NYC, and believed in the Union at first. After I started studying economics, I got into calculating my expenses, assets, and spending using software. Noticed that not only did I have to pay over $500 a year in dues, they took $16.75 an hour in compensation for my "health and well being", leaving me with around $34 an hour in compensation to take home. Great health benefits, but a very shit pension because for $16.75 an hour, I could have bought comparable family insurance for $1200 a month, and put the extra $1480 a month into my 401K, and that's not even including any overtime. Ended up fleeing Covid 13 in Feb 2020 and getting $42 an hour in an area with about 1/2 the cost of living as NYC because I wasn't being held back by average/below average performers that couldn't perform like I could but were getting paid the same. Best part is because I wasn't holding those extra retirement funds in a bullshit Union Pension account, or a 401k controlled by a totally different set of con artists, I was able to invest it myself, and get much better returns. Needless to say, large unions always puts the leadership's profits, over their own people. If you're able to, your best bet is doing excellent work, and negotiating your own compensation based on the results.
  5. Agreed, but by default I tend to side with people who don't introduce themselves using made up professions. Dude is probably covering for the fact he has a trust fund, and didn't need to study anything challenging in college.
  6. Subscribed to this dude, playing it in my garage doing some recreational redneck shit today myself.
  7. Now you know what to do when you see one of these.
  8. Mercer


    A fart that achieved immortality like this has earned my respect.
  9. Spent about 6 hours out of cell phone range today mostly above 10,000 feet. Ate lunch on a giant quartz deposit.
  10. TBH, it was super good, and sort of Prohomo™ pro-trans in a kind of emotionally involved way. I didn't know if I should tear up, laugh, or bust out my slayer shirt.
  11. Way ahead of his time, we need to bring Arsenio back.
  12. I agree, I think 99% of the bullshit throughout history (if not all) stems from politics one way or another. Due to past deceptions, and the lack of credibility that results, I can understand how people wouldn't want to trust the system. At the same time I'm not for anyone forcing their views (even if they're my views) on other people. To me, it's really not that serious if someone else got vaccinated or not, IMO, so I don't give a fuck either way and feel like it's not my business. Similarly, one of the few attendees of my wedding was permanently disabled from this virus (formerly a very healthy dude) at the very start of this last year, so I take it super seriously. Can't lie, I was hesitant and waited a couple of months to see what happened before getting the jab myself. Even though I think it's a smart move to get vaccinated against this shit, because of my strong, almost religious/fundamentalist beliefs in your body, your choice, I can't support the mainstreams push for 100% vaccination at all costs, so the only thing I can say is I'm not with either side on this. I'm just on my own side .
  13. Basically it's the same shit as everywhere else. It's the only big city for hundreds of miles, and the Denver Metro area it's self sits at around 3 million. Not big enough to support a noteworthy "scene" of local talent, granted I'm spoiled having lived in NYC longer than anywhere else. There are a few noteworthy bands form the area but not many, and those bands usually relocate HQ to one of the coasts if they're big enough. That said, Denver combined with all the populated rural areas surrounding it are definitely big enough to draw in just about every major/minor act that actually tours. I'm really not missing much being here. I mean Wu Tang just did their first show since the Pandemic started here. The crowds hare are dope too, no low energy slouching, they get hyped, and the venues here are even better. IMO people move here to enjoy life, as opposed to just being born here, or moving here for work, very unique spot to party. People don't have any energy for drama compared to most other places I've lived.
  14. Have this theory that white bitches have culturally turned towards cancel culture sadism to get off on a feeling of power. It's sexual in nature, and mostly stems from the fact they don't get enough dick these days. Even college girls aren't fucking hard like they used to, and the Beta male dick they do access is too weak. Literally, more single people by volume/percentage these days, and single people just don't fuck like we did before the interwebz. They've replaced good dick with the rush you get from the feeling of power a Karen gets from actually getting someone fired/canceled.
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