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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Sounds like a good idea to me. Nope and... Another nope. You're intentionally misinterpreting to derail the discussion. Then arguing against your own misinterpretations (straw man). Look at all these wasted posts, asking retard questions and making retard statements. Millionaires moving into slums, then forced to use a helicopters? I mean I'm pretty sure you're well below average, but you can't be this fucking dumb.
  2. Millionaires usually don't move into slums @Kults. Got any more broke nigga questions before I stop explaining the basics to someone trying to derail the discussion?
  3. This might be hard to wrap your mind around, but being a free millionaire (almost anywhere) equals a much higher quality of life.
  4. I'm not sure what you're missing @Kults. The empire here is starting to crack, visibly, and obviously. People with the resources, and awareness to do so are leaving this country to protect their resources, many are setting up communities in other countries. There' starting to spring up in the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands, and most notably in South & Central America. When Rome was collapsing the same thing happened. Romans (that were smart enough) that were well off enough bought large parcels of land in Europe, and left Rome. These large parcels, that were once guarded, and conquered by legions of Roman troops during Rome's peak, were eventually left to defend themselves when the system collapsed under it's own weight. These property owners eventually became Europe's aristocracy. Dukes, Barrons, Counts, etc. Left to defend themselves, they formed their own militaries, and alliances during the the "dark ages" The United States Government isn't designed to shrink, or spend less when the economy shrinks like it is now. In fact, it increases it's spending even more. The short term demand for resources becomes crucial, in fact, so crucial that the government starts shooting themselves in the foot. Businesses, and citizens that would otherwise provide a stable source of tax revenue long term, are seized, even shut down to meet the desperate immediate demands of the government (High Time Preference). This makes long term economic stability impossible. Any financial success makes individuals, and businesses targets for confiscation.
  5. Fascism is defined as a merger of Government, and corporations. Doing business with a bank will soon be the exact same thing as doing business, and sharing your personal information with the IRS. This is going to fuck the US's already tanking economy much faster, and further than it's already is. People will soon be laid off, or have to quit their under the table gigs, and some will become tax burdens (at no fault of their own) because of this. A huge chunk of our (any) economy is "Under the table", and can't be converted to "above the table" because the cost of that would outweigh the chances for profitability. Seeing lots of people in the crypto space that would otherwise be spending their money here, just leaving this soon to be 2nd world country for good. South/Central America seems to be the spot. Sad shit. I grew up watching poverty in East Germany, from West Germany as a kid, surrounded by military people. The American bases there would often times be the first stop for refugees fleeing Communism. I would have never guessed as an adult, our own government would turn economically retarded like the commies. Moving towards more authoritarianism.
  6. I think it's more like the top 75% percent of earners are paying 97% of all income tax revenue. The bottom 25% percent only contribute 3%.
  7. I know several people with the same opinion on Cali. Same_kid_same---1437768612362739717.mp4
  8. I'm not saying rich/middle/poor people never cheat on taxes (god bless tax evaders of all income brackets) and yes, there are an unquantifiable variables from one individual, to another. All the stats we can't account for like tax evasion, etc. are pretty much irrelevant to the discussion. It's a fact that almost half the tax revenue taken in by the Federal Government (40%) is from the top 1% of earners already. Politicians are like musicians, playing the taxpayer's emotions like a fiddle. When the music stops, and actual facts are presented that counter their bullshit narratives, it's really hard to accept. The illusion just feels much better that reality.
  9. @Dark_KnightData is straight from the IRS. The "rich" already pay way more than their "fair" share. The top 50% of earners pay 88% of all taxes, and the top 1% all ready pay 40% of all income taxes in the U.S. I know that's hard to believe considering how mainstream Socialist propoganda is these days. I personally find facts straight from the source are more accurate, and less misleading, than super compelling merch slogans.
  10. Red yamaka is a low level Cardinal flex, only considered strong drip in basic pedo circles.
  11. Like we're not already punishing people for becoming financial successful enough. Ironically, It's the bottom half that actually isn't contributing.
  12. Actually, I'm impressed. lol Safety first.
  13. Nobody at the met gala will ever flex as much drip as the Pope. Lucky he didn't show up and drown these celebs in a tidal wave.
  14. That “tax the rich” graphic also happens to be part of her merch line, so all this free advertising/publicity more than paid for the dress/ticket . As a capitalist, I’m actually impressed.
  15. One way too look at that is it's kind of cool of him to pose with those kids, that are probably too young to understand politics anyway. Why not try to win over new recruits, and ignore the fact some redneck parents draped their kids in propoganda. Most people outside of far left, and far right are just jaded from the low brow, troll shittyness. A morally sound adult knows those kids def don't deserve to be excluded from photo opps because of their parents. I mean, I can't be the only one thinking Biden, or at least some of the people connected to his ear peace probably do know how to read, and just don't give a fuck because coming off as a whiney bitch that says no, isn't what they were there to do.
  16. I couldn't even picture my parents taking my beer away as an adult, "for my own good". I hear they even track people using their cell phones, and can search their phones any time, even without suspecting a crime, and just delete shit. Same people that laughed at us when we said giving up your guns, means you basically give up everything.
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