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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Install a pizza oven in this boat and get turbo gripped guilt free.
  2. Yes, he think's I don't judge him, but I do. He couldn't do a straight letter to save his life and his hands are pure fucking garbage. Don't get me started on his "wild style"
  3. I've been paying attention to how much of a loser he is for years, I just don't tell him.
  4. Welfare for the rich at best, if it helped poor/working class people even slightly, Keynesianism would probably be outlawed.
  5. Shaz's customers have to earn money to transact with him, and like most of us, that means they're doing things they'd rather not do, but others value what they're doing so highly, they're actually willing to pay them to do it (employment). With that said, the work they perform is contributing something valuable to the rest of society, valuable enough for them to part with their hard earned money voluntarily. Their transactions with Shaz, and consumption habits may not be appealing to outsiders, but as long as they're not taking people's money without their consent (crime) it's basically none of our business how they spend their money. Kurt on the other hand teaches Keynesianism. Aside from the fact this terrible economic philosophy has slowed the rise of the middle class, in favor of funding a military industrial complex, endless wars, and non-stop inflation, what Kurt is doing most likely involves people's money being taken from them without their consent. While Kurt's students are most likely there themselves voluntarily, or at the demand of their guardians, in the majority of the possible scenarios the students do not pay for Kurt's services themselves. In this hypothetical scenario, Kurt could be a public school teacher. If that's the case, the funding for his disservices (teaching lies) are taken from people involuntarily, through taxes (threat of force). Kurt's services sound like a "great idea" on the surface (until you take the class yourself), I mean who doesn't think people should be educated? In reality, outside of this abstract thought) his services are so invaluable, the majority of people supposedly "benefitting" from them (the students) would never actually pay for Kurt's services themselves, in a voluntary manner. If Kurt is a University Professor, the majority of the funding is through government backed loans, and grants, which is basically the same scenario with more steps. This leads to the same problem that Shaz's customers bring if they commit crime, people are being parted with their hard earned funds involuntarily. The only difference is the person pointing the gun at them, robbing them, will probably never face justice for their crime, so they co do it openly.
  6. Dog shit breath, and impending cancer isn't a turn off for me. Def going in no condom, late pullout.
  7. Also propers for posting something that questionable, we're back on track now.
  8. Those teeth are browning in the middle, so I'm guessing that breath probably smells like an ash tray. No doubt she doesn't take very good care of herself, for sure that pussy smells like an old urinal that doesn't work anymore, but people keep pissing in it anyway. A strong 2, possibly a 3 if she's not as annoying as she looks. Smash.
  9. I hate people that try to rip off contractors, it fucks everyone else. Recently got an electrical service upgrade (new 200 amp panel from old 100 amp), contractor didn't ask for a dime until after the inspection passed. In NY it would have cost triple what I paid here, and a deposit would be required.
  10. With a hefty deposit and "I really don't want to do this" sized bid.
  11. Super illegal in CO as well, and totally unnecessary. If you file a case here, you go to court almost immediately, and judges here don't play games with non-payers. Literally takes less than 2 weeks sometimes, and at max 1 month to get a court date in this state. I've got a feeling this dumb ass ruined his case, and will probably face charges for that.
  12. In all honesty I'd find it infuriating. Imagine sitting on a multi million/billion dollar high tech war ship, and a couple of (barely above cave man status) fighters could just fuck your entire day by using your own rules of engagement against you, in a stolen swan shaped paddleboat, with less than $100 worth of kit. Although it would be somewhat hilarious if you're given the green light to engage first, so you spared a boat or two after the initial volley, just to watch them try to paddle retreat for their lives with machine gun fire inching closer behind them.
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