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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Never point a weapon at something you're not willing to destroy (even if you're sure it's not loaded). It's too bad he was anti-gun enough to have not known this rule. You never point unloaded guns at people, and never pull the trigger. Only way I'd excuse his mistake is if those directors placed themselves in the line of fire, during a scene where he had to pull the trigger because cameras were rolling. Anything else is never forgive action.
  2. I'm not saying China's military power is weak. What I'm saying is they have mutually assured destruction capabilities (at the very best) from the U.S.'s perspective. Honestly, I still have serious doubts they're even close to the threat the U.S.S.R. could have. That said, you and I both know they're not even close when it comes to military might compared to the United States. Especially if they're intentionally hyping up a "new" delivery system, when the U.S. still keeps it's best tech a secret. Hate to sound cocky, but the only threat we face in the U.S. are countries that present a mutually assured destruction threat, and that's it. That means there are two places (including their proxies) on this planet an all out invasion/bombardment isn't a good idea. For these places, economic warfare, sedition, subversion, and sabotage are far superior weapons. Once a country ascends to this position there is no increased threat due to new tech unless they can take out every submarine, satellite, and establish global air superiority. Nobody has this capability (yet). That said, if I were wanting to take action against the CCP, mutually assured destruction through military posturing, and action probably isn't the best route. I'd use their own flaws against them. Maybe encourage, fund, and arm uprisings in some of the bordering nations they control. Maybe a Tienamin 2.0, maybe even frame a couple of the most powerful families in China as traitors, giving them no choice but to defend themselves from the CCP. I can't remember the exact name of the Chinese rebellion, but there was a death penalty for any general that shows up late to battle. Two loyal/powerful generals, and their armies were delayed to arriving to a battlefield by a flood, thus, by law they had to be put to death. Instead of turning themselves in to be put to death, the generals chose to insurrection, and rebellion. This is the best weapon IMO against totalitarianism. AKA be the flood. Totalitarianism comes with a price. Self preservation against a sovereign, always trump's loyalty to said sovereign. In short, what do you expect? America to waste a few billion more to afford Pacific nations a better bargaining position? Why not exploit the CCP's greatest weakness? Strategically speaking, It doesn't matter even if they start successfully building aircraft carriers, nuclear subs, stealth technology. We'll still control that big red button that wipes them out. IMO a coordinated effort like the one I described is a much more viable means of removing the CCP, and doesn't require the mass unnecessary death scenario that gives military types gigantic boners.
  3. I could see why you'd view them as a major threat, your country does like 80% of it's foreign trade with China. This makes it extremely vulnerable to the CCP's economic leverage, which they do exploit quite effectively unfortunately. I view this predicament as 100% voluntary on Australia's part. The economic incentives to be under the CCP's sphere of influence makes it worth it, or Australia wouldn't be so engaged with them. For the people paying attention, it's the economics that are a threat (worth the effort of trying to reduce), not their status as a mutually assured destruction nuclear power. I get it, it's a totalitarian state, and they coordinate gathering of intel, and exerting influence in a much more threatening manner than any other country on this planet. The thing is, they exert this power in through economic warfare (my expertise so to speak), not through their military. So with that said, I can also understand why you'd want citizens in a large country like the U.S. to develop some sort of irrational fear of China's military. "Oh no, they've invented a slightly different ICBM". They've had strike capabilities since the 80's, to me, this threat is a distraction from the real threat they pose, at least to the United States. We've already wasted countless lives, and tax dollars fighting proxy wars with them in Korea, and Vietnam. This is the main reason I'd prefer countries like Australia, Korea, and Japan pull more of their own weight in that region, and not rely so heavily on U.S. deterrence. In short, the South China Sea is in your backyard, not ours. It poses a threat to your economy if they exert influence. Personally, if I were looking for a way to fight them, I'd go the unconventional route. I think their totalitarianism is what should be exploited. It would be much more effective to have their own citizens fight the CCP, than for the United States to drop a few trillion on a new missile defense system we'll never use, thus opening ourselves up to the real threat, economic warfare.
  4. Don't blame it on the trans community, it's probably 90% white women.
  5. China isn't as big a threat to foreign countries as everyone wants to hype them up as. I'm more interested in, and worried about what they're doing to their own citizens inside their own borders.
  6. Yea, somebody definitely about to catch some charges, they never let that shit slide if it's a photogenic white girl that died.
  7. Starting to think you got some beefy ass hemorrhoids if you're going through all this. Let them doctors fix your ass up (literally), save some paper on your paper. You're probably the nigga causing those TP shortages in Texas.
  8. The fake "controversy" surrounding it is driving more people to watch the special, IMO a good thing. Slayer shirt sales have skyrocketed, plus pizza sales are also up. On a serious note, kind of hard /Prohomo™ to be transphobic after watching that special.
  9. Weird that I didn't care until I saw her photo, but It's really sad, the Director of Photography that was killed was married with a kid. R.I.P.
  10. Bring in shooters of cheap hard liquor, state error matter of factly, drink shooters yourself & assert dominance.
  11. Type of girl you don't feed for 2 hours, then dip your balls in nutella
  12. They make wipes that are just for flushing. Not to be mistaken with the type of wipes you clean your balls off with after making cream pies.
  13. You'll know when it doesn't work out when I stop posting, my wife would murk me if she had to clean a shit stain. If I eat like shit sometimes I'll go through multiple wet wipes.
  14. 1 or two wipes with toilet paper, then a wet wipe. Tried a bidet once in Japan, didn't work out for me.
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