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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    This statement makes absolutely no sense to someone like me, who's not content with "slightly less evil". It's like choosing a favorite pubic louse.
  2. They're running out of shit to cancel people for, but the addiction to fucking over anyone who thinks different from you never actually fades.
  3. Carpet is easy AF, one night in a youtube binge should show you all you need to know. Don't skimp on padding, and you'll only need to buy a knee kicker, and a proper cutter to do the job right. Without using a knee kicker it will form wrinkles on you, worst rookie mistake I've seen others make.
  4. Pretty sure this is the vegan cookbook I posted before on here. Not vegan myself but I do enjoy the shit out of the meals outlined in this book. https://www.amazon.com/Eat-Clean-Play-Dirty-Recipes/dp/1419734733?asin=1419734733&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1
  5. @mr.yuckYou did yourself a huge favor eating meat. Vegan diets are unnatural, and unless you're familiar with setting up a diet with complete proteins, it can be harmful. That's not to say going vegan isn't a healthy, I know 2 triathletes that are 100% plant based. Thing is, if you're not satisfying your bodies need for complete protein you're always going to get uncontrollable urges and fall off the wagon like this. You can't survive without them, and your body will force you to give up and eat meat on a regular basis unless you figure this out. Again, the keyword here is "complete" protein. Not just protein alone. For example, people generally know beans are rich in proteins, but unlike animal based products which have "complete" proteins by default, beans are missing some specific crucial proteins, making them useless as a source of protein without these missing proteins. A wise vegan will tell you they need to be paired with another plant based ingredient that has these missing proteins. Good news is rice has the proteins beans are missing, so eating "beans & rice" together make a sustainable plant based meal, with complete protein. Here in the southwest, natives have a similar meal that combines lima beans, with corn. Neither corn, or lima beans have complete protein, but by combining both of these ingredients into a dish called succotash, they do. If you want to be able to sustain a healthy plant based diet, you're going to have to figure out how to get complete proteins first, before trying to cook fancy, elaborate vegan meals. Studying up on creating plant based meals with complete protein is a must, and often overlooked by most vegans, which is why most of them cheat like you did, but secretly. Having this down you could literally be a competition level triathlete on a vegan diet. One of the former mods on 12oz is just that, 100% vegan, but healthier, and more energy than most 20 year olds and still able to train, and compete.
  6. Hit a stripclub by the Queensboro in LIC and the ATM fee was $20, and my drunk ass hit it up twice for $40. Ex got pissed when she seen the bank statement, said it wasn't about the money, or having fun at the strip club (she knew I went), it was the stupidity of hitting the ATM twice that pissed her off the most.
  7. All you have to do is hire an accountant and get set up doing quarterly payments. The better the accountant, the better the loophole exploits will go. Expensing everything, etc. That's actually the preferred method for wise individuals. Paying as little tax as possible while building up your net worth. Keeps you well paid, lowers personal spending, and no worries with the IRS.
  8. Yea, @ndvI wouldn't post that on here anyway, might inadvertently have an account number or some shit hidden in fine print on there.
  9. It's a sort of unintentional class warfare, and monopolistic. First thing to understand is that it's 100% the Biden administration pushing for this, not the banks. The banks don't necessarily want to have to file reports on all their customers, the processing of these reports will take time and money for them to comply with. The only good thing for them is every regulation like this one does help them, by making it harder for a small Federal Credit Union to open up, and compete with the big boys. The less choices you have as a consumer, the more chance they'll be able to charge you a bullshit fee. All these small regulations add up to banks needing a large, experienced legal team just to open up. It's not like they can just provide good customer service. It's not just the banking industry regulations that squeezes out small players from competition, any highly regulated industry has an almost impossible barrier to entry, something the big boys always welcome. Besides, the banks don't really have a choice. Contrary to popular belief if the government says to do something, it doesn't matter how rich you, or how rich a bank is, you have to comply. The alternative is to be thrown in a cage, and have all your property/funds get seized eventually.
  10. @nicklesndimesIt's green salsa, made with green tomatoes instead of red, and blended a little more than usual.
  11. Used to love Yuengling when I lived in PA, especially when I was underage. Moved to Colorado and didn't have any for years. Drank mostly cheap piss beers (mostly natty ice) and the occasional fat tire, or microbrew. When I ended up back on the East Coast I got all stoked I found some Yuengling Lager, so I bought a 6 pack. Shit tasted disgusting to me, I think it's an acquired taste that fades with a few years away.
  12. It's any financial account. They need your tax ID number because it makes the process of snitching on you for selling something for more than $599.99 much easier to automate for them.
  13. Pretty sure they're against having to monitor, and snitch on a local single mom waitress for depositing $600 in tips they don't report. If they push back alone, it's not a big deal, if they can get every one of their customers to push back, it's a much bigger deal. Also, using credit unions are a very good look, especially local credit unions. Unless you're a multimillionaire, I'd never trust any of the larger banks like Chase, HSBC, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc. That's why I asked which bank, for a second there, I had a retarded glimmer of hope that a big bank actually cared about their customers.
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